Paula- WOW! 18 weeks old. You are a brave one and I admire you. It's amazing how strong mothers can be. I know I've had a good ride these 7 months, but it's never easy.
So I was thinking how to explain EASY in the most simplified way to the daycare and MIL so that it would be easier for them to understand. I know that to many we must seem like "nap dictators", but on the contrary it's to ensure a happy pleasant child.
I too am planning to make them write down LO's daily schedule. Does anyone have a simple check mark sheet I could use? If I come up with one, I'd be happy to share.
Mummy-bec, I hear you about the age issue. My MIL is 61 and sometimes I wonder if she will have the stamina to handle a very active soon to be toddler boy. She's often complaining of aches and health issues and what not. I guess, I'll just give it a try and see how things go. Sometimes one imagines things a lot worse than what they really will be.
Finally, before I keep rambling. I thought it would be a good idea to share our organizational skills regarding keeping up with cleaning, meals, buying food, and running errands on top of taking care of LO, husband, and yeah.....working. Yikes! What happened to the feminist movement? I think the load for women is so much harder now.
Thanks guys. Your hugs and prayers help.