Author Topic: 3wk old struggling to nap - too much or too little A time??  (Read 683 times)

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Offline MackMum

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3wk old struggling to nap - too much or too little A time??
« on: August 05, 2008, 00:26:52 am »
DS2 is 3wks old and for the past 4 days (once newborn sleepiness wore off) has become SOO hard to get to nap! Driving me crazy. I've been trying to catch his sleep signs - starting to swaddle and quiet cuddle as soon as I see the first yawn. This seems to happen ridiculously soon after he's woken (but it worked in those early days). DS1 could only handle 50mins A time at 3months old so I initially thought that maybe DS2 was the same. But even if I get in early like that, he's been really struggling to settle for the nap - grizzling on and off every few minutes. If he does settle he frequently only sleeps for 20mins and then wakes, unable to transition into deep sleep. This is our day:

nappy change, few minutes A time until he yawns (fussing starts shortly after)
8.30am or shortly after - down for sleep. Grizzles and cries on and off for 20mins - had wave sound (Shhhh..Shhhh..Shhh) machine going. Then got really upset at 20min mark and woke. Grizzling on and off for 20mins managed to go into deep sleep. Woke at end of that cycle, unable to settle so I got him up and he napped on me with paci (I won't give it to him in his cot cos he spits it out every few mins and then wakes up) and he got some short naps in until feed time
10.30am feed
nappy change, started fussing straight away after so swaddled and got ready for nap.
10.55am Was drifting off as I lay him down and seemed like he'd manage on his own but few minutes later started fussing - fussed and grizzled on and off for half hour, finally settled (maybe) into deep sleep? Alas we have to go to a funeral in 15mins so I'll have to transfer him to the carseat - mind you he'll probably wake by then anyway  :(

The rest of the days usually go like this:
1.30Feed (100ml formula at most feeds)
20-30mins A time including the feed - basically until the first yawn

4pm feed
try and get him down for a nap in his cot but since the end of his 1st week this is the start of his fairly wakeful period so he usually ends up in his carseat (in the lounge) with the paci and naps on and off spitting out the paci every so often and then yelling for it back. He'll just cry if he doesn't have the paci.

6pm feed
don't even bother trying to put him in his cot, just straight back into the carseat with paci while we eat dinner with DS1 and then one of us will cuddle him with paci
7.45 bath and into 'nightie', swaddle
8.00 feed
8.15-30pm bed - recently has been settling reasonably well

1amish feed

4amish feed (often quite grizzly after when we resettle him)

7.30 breakfast

So, I don't know if the hard time settling for naps is cos he's overtired or not tired enough - but if I keep him up longer he just cries and roots around for something to suck, gets harder to calm down. (From mid afternoon you can't hold him without the paci because he writhes and fights and works himself into a frenzy looking for something to suck, even if he's got a full belly - very sucky baby!!)

Please give me some advice! I've been trying pat/shh but the patting just seems to irritate him (and he sleeps on his back). The shh works a little better, that's why I've started using the wave machine sound - to save me having to do it! Trouble is that with DS1 (2yrs) at home, I can't spend 30mins in baby's room trying to get him to sleep. I used to spend hours in DS1's room when he was a baby, applying pressure to his arms and legs to help him extend his naps - but that really isn't possible with DS2 because DS1 needs me. I'd even settle for a baby that only did 45mins at a time - but 20mins (and a battle just to get that much) is just no good!!!

Offline MackMum

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Re: 3wk old struggling to nap - too much or too little A time??
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2008, 02:15:42 am »
Well the rest of the day was totally reliant on the paci to get him to sleep (in our arms) or at least nap for a few minutes here and there through the evening. Night was fine with 2 wakings for feeds.

this morning's nap was a shocker. Grizzled and fussed every few minutes (10-15minutes quiet in between at the most) the entire time - I kept him up after 'breakfast' until he fussed, ignoring the 2 yawns to see if that made a difference in case I had been putting him down too early. Didn't work so I guess chances are I just made him OT. The fussing happened within 2 mins of those yawns but his window appears to be really small - he is only 3weeks after all.

So at 10am I fed him, changed him and then held him upright against me - and he started nodding off immediately so I put him down in his cot on his stomach - and he slept for nearly 3hrs!!! Had to wake him for a feed. (front sleeping worked great for DS1 cos it suppressed the jolts - we have an angelcare movement monitor for peice of mind).

I've just changed him and he had litterally 3mins A time after that before he started to fuss and I saw a yawn. So I held him for a couple of mins untill he got sleepy (fussed on me then kind of crashed out) and have put him back down on his front and so far (5mins) there hasn't been a peep. This seems like an insanely short A time after such a long sleep - is it ok to let him sleep so much? I don't want to mess up bedtime... although I know that from 4-8pm he's usually very wakeful and just naps in his baby seat. Do you think he's just making up for OT?? Can a baby be OT from previous days bad napping even if he's getting good night sleeps (waking only for feeds)??

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Re: 3wk old struggling to nap - too much or too little A time??
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2008, 18:28:27 pm »
congrats on your new bub!!!  3 weeks is sooooooooooooooooo little to have napping sorted out!  Babies brains sort through day and night sleep separately.  Night sleep develops first (0-3 mos) and day sleep later (3-6 mos), so he sounds like he's "normal" for a newborn.

Is he swaddled?  That's the one thing that really helped our dd learn how to settle herself to sleep and get through the jolts.  Keeping up with the pat/shh (or whatever version works for you and him) is key.  I know it's hard with 2.  I  know some moms put a video on for their older child while doing the sleep training with the little one.

I'd try to be as consistent as possible with sleeping - same wind down, in the crib etc.  Going back and forth in locations (especially sometimes in your arms) will make it harder for independent sleep to be learned (not impossible, it will just take longer).  Some babies have a real need to suck, which is actually why BW suggests a paci in the first couple months.  We used to prop it in dd's mouth (she was a side sleeper in a positioner, and swaddled) she would spit it out once she fell asleep, and was fine.  Gave it up when she found her thumb.

And yes, OT is definitely cummulative - they don't make up for it all with one night's sleep.  Here's a link about "average" A times and one about total day/night sleep:

Hang in there!  It's just so hard with a newborn!
