i was just curious what some of you do for a bedtime routine. since my lo was tiny, we have always read books in a dimly lit room, followed by bath, followed by changing of diaper, dressing in pj's in the dark, followed by bottle in the dark and then off to bed. if my lo was still awake after the bottle which now a days he always is, he will talk to himself for a few minutes, occassionally fuss for less than 5-10 minutes and off to bed for his 10 hours of night sleep. as we are starting to wean off of the bottle (currently he only takes and afternoon and night bottle b/c the morning bottle has after a rough couple of weeks been replaced by a sippy cup) i was wondering what a nightime routine might look like. i know that we need to change it so that the bottle or eventually sippy cup of milk is not the last thing before bed. any ideas would be helpful? also we are on one nap a day, my lo is up usually by 6:20 or 6:30 am (always been an early riser), he currently naps at about 1pm...is that way too much activity time for him? usually about an hour or 1.5 hours of that A time is spent running errands so he's not necessarily very active during that time b/c he's in the car seat or stroller or buggy. today he cried for about 10 minutes before finally falling asleep and i hate to see him cry himself to sleep. usually he doesn't give me much problem. he's spirited too so that means he shows no sleep cues. currently does 10 or 10.5 hours at night and about 2 during the day. thanks