Urgh, im right with you! My ds is 2 and still naps once a day, at about 3pm which is late, i know, and goes to bed only at like 9 or 10pm coz he naps too late. But he gets up in the nite/am and comes to our bed and then sleeps till about 8 or 9am! Now with a 3 mth old I am so tired to even be bothered to get up to take him back to his bed (I use to do that while pg, and before that when he first started sleeping in his own bed at 18mths, he would sleep through, even if he woke at nite, he would put himself back to sleep). He wont go with dh and dh cant even attempt to put him to bed coz he wont have any of it!! So we are three sardines crammed in our bed lol. I cant be bothered anymore honestly. I just always remind myself that we will miss the days he spends wanting to sleep and be with us. So we all co-sleep happilly, or sort of, not so happilly when dh gets a few kicks in the back! lol