My 3 yr old dd has been a nite waker since birth pretty much. I have tried everything, naps, no naps, earlier bedtime. Nothing has worked so I also just chalked it up as she is a nite waker. She is a very sound sleeper but just wakes multiple times a nite. She goes right back down with in minutes and has never stayed awake for more than 5 minutes. She doesnt ask for anything, just wakes up, not crying more like whining and wont go back to sleep unless I go to her room or...she now just crawls into my bed. I dont even know she has woken some nites untill I wake up with her next to me. I never had this problem with ds who has only woken if he is ill or has to go to the bathroom, he is 5.
Her favorite time to wake is just when I am about to fall asleep
I hope there is an answer out there. Do they make tylenol pm for children