A couple of weeks ago, my ds began waking at roughly 4am with strong, upset crying. I go into him and pick him up, he settles, burrowing his head into my shoulder. I begin to put him down and he immediately freaks, arching his back, screaming. As he's down in the crib, he rolls around screaming crying, just beside himself. This would go on for 40+ mins. After 3 nights in a row, I discovered that I could put on a wave sound machine really loud. It seems that that would jerk him out of whatever strange place he was in and start to relax and I could comfort him while he lay in the crib - like normal.
He is a very easy-going baby and has never acted like this before. It disappeared for a week or so and all of a sudden returned last night and the wave machine did not work, but seemed to agitate him further. He is all but weaned, however, I caved and ended up nursing him to sleep (something I have never really done since he was super young). I do not really know what to do. The typical p/d just is not working as he is so upset, unusually so!
What is going on? As I mentioned, he is newly weaned, meaning that he does not nurse most days anymore. He was very slowly weaned. There are no other milestones or unusual things that are happening.
His schedule is as follows:
6am - wake up
7am - breakfast
9:30am - nap (1hr)
10:30am - snack
12:00pm - lunch
2:30pm - nap (1hr)
3:30pm - snack
5:30pm - supper
7:15pm - bedtime routine (soft music, mellow play, pjs, brush teeth, close shades, read books, sing lullaby)
8:00pm - asleep
(He used to go to sleep a half hour or so earlier, but lately, he plays/delays falling asleep in crib until about 8pm - it's as if all of a sudden the wind down is not enough?)
Suggestions? Advice?
I appreciate very much any of you taking the time to read this and give your ideas.
Thank you!
