Author Topic: 12 mo new NW tantrum -- What?!?  (Read 673 times)

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Offline MaggieJenn

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12 mo new NW tantrum -- What?!?
« on: August 08, 2008, 02:20:08 am »

A couple of weeks ago, my ds began waking at roughly 4am with strong, upset crying.  I go into him and pick him up, he settles, burrowing his head into my shoulder.  I begin to put him down and he immediately freaks, arching his back, screaming.  As he's down in the crib, he rolls around screaming crying, just beside himself.  This would go on for 40+ mins.  After 3 nights in a row, I discovered that I could put on a wave sound machine really loud.  It seems that that would jerk him out of whatever strange place he was in and start to relax and I could comfort him while he lay in the crib - like normal. 

He is a very easy-going baby and has never acted like this before.  It disappeared for a week or so and all of a sudden returned last night and the wave machine did not work, but seemed to agitate him further.  He is all but weaned, however, I caved and ended up nursing him to sleep (something I have never really done since he was super young).  I do not really know what to do.  The typical p/d just is not working as he is so upset, unusually so!

What is going on?  As I mentioned, he is newly weaned, meaning that he does not nurse most days anymore.  He was very slowly weaned.  There are no other milestones or unusual things that are happening.

His schedule is as follows:
6am - wake up
7am - breakfast
9:30am - nap (1hr)
10:30am - snack
12:00pm - lunch
2:30pm - nap (1hr)
3:30pm - snack
5:30pm - supper
7:15pm - bedtime routine (soft music, mellow play, pjs, brush teeth, close shades, read books, sing lullaby)
8:00pm - asleep

(He used to go to sleep a half hour or so earlier, but lately, he plays/delays falling asleep in crib until about 8pm - it's as if all of a sudden the wind down is not enough?)

Suggestions?  Advice? 

I appreciate very much any of you taking the time to read this and give your ideas. 

Thank you!  :)

Offline coopers_mommy

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Re: 12 mo new NW tantrum -- What?!?
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2008, 13:00:42 pm »
If PD doesn't work with DS, I would suggest WIWO.  With my DS, PD didn't work, he would become more worked up and we would end up being in there for 2 hours at night! ::)

WIWO might be the thing that takes care of the NW' might take a few days, but there are some great threads on here about WIWO with support for you!  It worked with DS and we haven't had a NW in about a week (fingers crossed!).


Offline mommy2mason

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Re: 12 mo new NW tantrum -- What?!?
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2008, 18:40:04 pm »
Does your LO have any 1 year molars yet?? Or can you see anything that might be one getting ready to pop through? My LO has always been a great sleeper and no other teeth ever bothered him...but the molars were a different story! He would wake up at night screaming which was very unusual for him. He was VERY clingy and even wanted to be rocked sometimes (which he has NEVER liked!). When he did wake up screaming I would pick him up and he'd instantly be asleep on my shoulder again so then we started to give him Motrin before bed and that really helped. For my LO it was such a drastic change in personality that I had no idea what happened at first. Thankfully now this his molars are finally through he's back to his old self again!

Don't know if this applies to you at all but just thought I'd throw it out there!
Mom to Mason (6/23/07)

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Offline MaggieJenn

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Re: 12 mo new NW tantrum -- What?!?
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2008, 20:38:17 pm »
Thank you Cooper's Mommy and Mommy2Mason!!  It is such a great feeling to reach out and receive some help and ideas.   :D

Cooper's Mommy-- Congratulations on no NW for a week!  That is wonderful news and is a great reminder to all of us that consistency and time can work.  I will look into the WIWO threads, that is a new one for us that we've never tried, so thank you for the idea!!

Mommy2Mason--  Gee, I hadn't thought about the molars!  My LO, however, only has six front teeth.  I cannot remember, can they start getting molars before all of the front ones are in??  I know that lying down can really create pressure, but wouldn't he complain just lying down initially?  I guess not from the sound of your reply!