Wow Sami, thanks for all the detail!! Yes, it DOES seem like he is conflicted, like he really wants to sleep (eyes start to shut) but I can't (he forces them to pop back open) and this repeats until he can't fight it anymore. I have to keep his room VERY dark and quiet, he's SO nosy and easily distracted.
I can't remember how long my first slept for at this age, because we didn't start sleep training until 4.5 months after the paci became a problem-prop. We were probably doing everything wrong with him up to that point, lol!
He typically wakes crying, so when he wakes at 45 minutes, he would be crying immediately. When he's hungry, we all know it! ha ha ha There was only one nap so far that he woke happily, oh wait TWO, woo hooooo! ha ha
So the update since my last post is that I have been "wearing" him for the first morning naps to keep him asleep, today we walked to the park during that nap time (when I keep moving, he stays asleep). He was seriously fighting the first nap of the day, so with this being the most difficult, I just decided to AP it for now. Then, the rest of his naps have been going fairly well, for the most part. Unfortunately, it's the paci that gets us there. If I leave it in, he falls asleep on his own easily and stays asleep (it does fall out most of the time and that doesn't seem to bother him, we also don't need it during the night wakings usually, unless he is exceptionally gassy and in pain). When he wakes at the 30 or 45 minute mark, it seems like often he is VERY gassy and just can't get back to sleep from pain. I have eliminated all dairy products (not easy for me) and he seems to be better most days, hence sleeping better! All day yesterday, he napped great, staying asleep through all of the naps! Today he had one nap where he woke at 30 minutes and needed the paci back to calm, but he went RIGHT back to sleep. Then he fussed again and went back to sleep on his own, without the paci. So although it's not entirely perfect and I don't expect it to be, he has become a little more predictable and I hope by using the paci we aren't creating a problem, but he looks for it and it sooths him immediately. I don't mind paci use, it can be taken away when fingers can't, I just don't want it to become a night problem ever.
Another question...about night feedings. I put him to bed after whatever feeding is after 7pm. Since he really doesn't have much awake time at this stage, does bedTIME really matter? We have a routine that we use for every time we put him in bed so essentially, every nap is like bedtime, ha ha ha. The problem I am having is that he does not take a DF, he doesn't nurse well while asleep, so I have to wake him sometimes 9 or 10pm to make sure I am able to tank him up before bed. What we do is co-sleep (with a snuggle nest in our bed so he is separate in a sense) and I take him from his crib into our room, change his diaper and then we lay down and nurse, I burp him, swaddle him and put him in his little bed. He goes RIGHT to sleep. Do you think this will work in place of a dream feed until he can nurse in his sleep...if he ever can? Some nights this actually gets us all the way to 4:30am without another feeding! Most nights it gets us to 2:30, so night sleep has been great! I just want to make sure I am not creating a problem doing it this way. If I didn't feed him past 7-8pm, I would be waking earlier at night.