Until 2 weeks ago my 9mo lo was having 2 feeds per night. Using suggestions from the boards here we have now successfully reduced this to one feed around midnight. Strangely, now that we have dropped to only one night feed he doesn't seem to want his morning milk. We have been giving him his morning bottle at 6am for the last 4 months or so (we have had some real issues with ews) so nothing has changed. We have even tried reducing the amount we give him at his feed at midnight but scared that he won't then make it through until morning. He takes a couple of sips then pushes the bottle away. If you try again he just gets agitated and eventually quite cross. I try to leave him for a while and then try again but the same thing happens. In the end it takes until about 7.00am for him to drink 4oz! I then use milk in his cereal to make up the amounts. He is hungry though as he will take his breakfast like a pig! He will happily eat 5tbsp of cereal and 4 small triangles of toast. We have tried giving him only small quantities of breakfast but this hasn't helped. He has had a throat infection over the last 3 weeks or so and was actually refusing all solids. Now he seems to be better he only seems to want to eat solid food! His other bottles have also decreased in volume. He was drinking 7 ounces at 11 am too but now this is down to a maximum of 5oz. He only ever has about 4-5 oz at 3pm too. His bedtime bottle is the best of the day- he often takes 8 or 9 ounces.
Is this just a phase? What can I do to get him to take more?