Hi there! Some babes have a hard time going down for the catnap, so it's considered a bit of a freebie and if you have to AP a bit to force the issue, that's OK. For instance, I held my DD2 for her catnap when she wouldn't settle otherwise. That being said, I would keep the wind-down routine the same and use your A time as your guide for when she needs to go down. If she needs extra help to go down, that's where the AP on purpose comes in and is OK for this nap. I think at this age, my DD 2 could handle 2 hrs of A time throughout the day but did 1:45 before the catnap.
They usually aren't ready to drop the catnap until they can handle 3 hours of A time. It'll be a few months probably before that happens, so it's best to keep it as 'standardized' as you can, IYKWIM.