Things have gotten slightly better, but far from being perfect..
My baby has developed his own schedule (and I can't do much about it):
WU: sometime between 9AM to 11AM
No matter what I do I can't get him to sleep much until 4/5PM. He is overtired. If I lay him in bed calm but awake with the paci and white noise, he'd usually fuss after 10 mins. On us either he wouldn't fall asleep or wake up as soon as we put him down. He doesn't like the car seat. I started taking him on walks in the stroller so that he can get some light sleep as long as I keep walking.
S:4/5PM - 9PM (I never wake him up anymore when he's finally sleeping)
EAE:9PM - 1AM (Can't get him to fall asleep any way I try).
S: 1AM-5AM (I started feeding him with EBM at night so that he goes back to sleep quickly)
S: 5:30AM/6:30 - 9:00/11:00. (falls asleep faster after bottle feeding).
I know it's an awful schedule, but I have no idea what else to do. I never wake him up anymore.
When he's awake on us he usually doesn't fall asleep nor fusses so I try to put him in bed, but a few minutes later he begins to fuss. Sometimes calming him in bed helps him fall asleep but not during the day.
Because of this lack of sleep on his side, I'm also getting some mixed signals from him, for example after an hour of morning feeding and not being able to fall asleep he's looking for the breast again and I'm not sure if he's trying to calm himself or hungry again, and I don't know if I should begin supplementing. Today I BF him from 9:00 to 10:00 and then at 10:30 gave him 5oz of EBM which he drank, but later spit out a lot.
Any tips on how to decrease these 6+ hours of wakefulness during the day?
BTW, he is swaddled.