She is cranky, crabby....but she has always been. LOL! Seriously, though, she is a fussy kid so sometimes it's hard to distinguish if she's tired, bored, teething, tired, etc.
In the morning, she starts yawning around 10 or so, but we have tried going back to 2 naps and it's a total no-go. She will not take a second nap at all. So, I keep her up till lunch around 11/11:15 and then to bed shortly after. That's a good 5-5.5 hours of A time. This is what we've been doing all along (for the past 6+ weeks) of the 1 nap transition.
In the early evening she starts yawning and getting fussy around 5pm. Again, this is totally normal for her as this is her "witching hour" until she eats dinner and then she's totally fine and re-energized. It's so odd b/c dinner completely re-energizes her and she's good to go again for awhile. Maybe I should consider feeding her earlier?? Normally, I like her to eat 5:45-6pm and then to bath around 6:30, but maybe I should try 5:15-5:30 so she can get that extra energy out for the last hour before bath....I don't know! I know this is dumb, but my fear with an earlier dinner is that she'll wake earlier in the am b/c she's hungry from not eating for like 13+ hours. Stupid concern??
It totally baffles me! Can you believe this??? I have a friend whose almost 2.5 year old is still taking 2 naps a day and each are 2 hours long!! Then she sleeps about 9 hours at night. But still....I can't figure out how a 2.5 year old naps 4 hours during the day??
Anyways, back to dd....I figured after 6+ weeks of the 2-1 transition we'd be sort of in a better situation, but I guess not. I suppose the only thing I can do is to continue trying different things.