Author Topic: new to the routine and short naps are really confusing me!!!  (Read 2029 times)

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Offline harrietevie

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Re: new to the routine and short naps are really confusing me!!!
« Reply #15 on: August 31, 2008, 16:45:51 pm »
Well we've had an interesting couple of days!
The nights seem to have been getting better although she does seem to wake up around 2.30 and 4.30 and then fusses until around 6 when she falls asleep. I've then been making sure I wake her at 7 to start the day. Her naps are still short ranging from 40 to 50 mins if I don't help her and when I do help her I can sometimes get her to an hour but it does feel like I am just 'holding' her asleep with sh/pat because the minute I stop she jolts awake - this morning I sh/patted for 20 mins and she stayed asleep until I stopped and she woke up (I was too exhausted to carry on!)
Yesterday however I managed to get her through it and she napped for 2 hours!! However we then had a nightmare night - she woke every 1.5 hours - killer!! Lots of things were slightly off yesterday though - she only got a 20 min nap in the morning and then I also tried an earlier bedtime, the result was it took me longer to get her to sleep and then she slept badly all night - it was also really hot here last night so there's just too many variables to know what caused the bad night!
Today has been a more 'normal' day and we're going to put her to bed at her normal time of 7.30/8 and see how we get on. With respect to dh putting lo to bed he has done most of the naps just fine today (he's actually had it easier than me!)  and I have tried staying with him when he puts her to bed but it doesn't seem to make any difference however he's gonna try again tonight and we shall see with his extra nap experience under his belt!
Any other ideas for getting lo through the 45 min hump? I have tried going in early and sh/patting the minute she jolts - this worked yesterday (took 20 mins) but no joy today :(. It's getting pretty tedious and I've tried bringing the E's forward to reduce A time but then I find I almost have to put her down for 5 naps - is this right?
Ahh some days seem like such hard work :)

Offline harrietevie

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Re: new to the routine and short naps are really confusing me!!!
« Reply #16 on: August 31, 2008, 18:51:39 pm »
Oh and I've been meaning to answer your temprement question - I think she's a cross bewtween textbook, spirited and touchy!! Although only touchy on feeding - she's really fussy! Other than that I would say textbook and spirited.

Offline harrietevie

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Re: new to the routine and short naps are really confusing me!!!
« Reply #17 on: September 01, 2008, 16:10:16 pm »
me again.
I think I'm going to give up. :( I can't even get her to sleep for 20 mins in the day now - has she regressed again?
It's driving me mad and making me really upset which can't be any good for my lo.
I have been so consistent and have been doing this for nearly 3 weeks - I'm exhausted and nothing is getting better, if anything it's getting worse.
Anyone got any bright ideas?

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Re: new to the routine and short naps are really confusing me!!!
« Reply #18 on: September 03, 2008, 19:52:56 pm »
Bumping up for you :)
Mom to Colin Ronald, August 18, 2005
Spirited + Reflux =  :o

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Re: new to the routine and short naps are really confusing me!!!
« Reply #19 on: September 05, 2008, 19:29:23 pm »
Harriet - I'm sorry you're having it still so rough....I was away on vacation, so I'm sorry you've been out here on your own.  I know you have been super consistent.  You've been doing a great job!!  I know it doesn't look like that.  It's possible that she will just have to grow out of her 45 min naps - if you've been doing w2s consistently for 3 weeks, I would think you'd be seeing more improvement than you are, which is why I'm wondering if it's just developmental.

Your thought of doing 5 naps a day (all short ones) may be an option for now - if for nothing else than to give you a break from the sleep training.  You are right that she will pick up on your stress, so that is most certainly not doing you or Evie any good. 

How is today?  If she's doing 20 min naps, it's possible now that it is regression again.  If she's got some spirited in her, she will definitely benefit from a shorter winddown.  Have you tried a super short wind down?  Maybe just diaper change, swaddle, and into the crib?  Are you ssh/patting her to get her to drop off to sleep or just to get her through the jolts?  If you don't go in to help her past the jolt - does she wake crying?  Also, sometimes spirited bubs are really distracted by what's going on in their rooms - too much light, too many toys around their bed, a mobile or a bumper with lots going on.  So maybe have a look at that.  Its possible when she wakes at the jolts that she's too distracted to get herself back to sleep.  then again, you doing shh/pat doesn't seem to be a distraction, but rather an aid - have you thought of a white noise machine?

Hang in there!!!  I'm going to have another mod look at your post - I know her ds struggled with short naps for a long time, so lets see what she did if that will help you.


Offline harrietevie

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Re: new to the routine and short naps are really confusing me!!!
« Reply #20 on: September 06, 2008, 16:12:26 pm »
Thanks for your reply. I think we are getting somewhere - I have stopped trying to get her through the jolts when she's napping and now we get naps ranging from 30 mins to 1hr and today she did 2 hours (she was in the sling though so cheating really although she normally wakes after 45 mins in the sling and won't go back off so this is an improvement). When she wakes early from her naps she always seems pretty happy and only gets upset if I try to get her back to sleep so I figure this is just how it is for now. With regards to distraction we have a blackout blind and so it's really dark and I've tried white noise but I don't think it makes much difference. I think she's just still young and figuring out her daytime naps - I'm going to keep on with the routine although I have relaxed quite a lot and have started getting on with our life again which means I try and time outings with A time and then a nap either in the buggy, sling or car - so she's still getting into the habit of Eat, activity, sleep and not falling asleep on the boobie!
And bedtimes seem to be improving - dh can now put her to bed and does most every evening to give me a break - it still takes quite a long time but last night she slept from 8.15 to 12.30 straight through with no holding through the jolts or anything - an absolute first! So we are feeling a little more positive and relaxed, we'll just have to see how we go from here!

Harriet & Evie

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Re: new to the routine and short naps are really confusing me!!!
« Reply #21 on: September 06, 2008, 16:52:23 pm »
Hope it gets better for you!  I know how frustratimg this process can be especially with a short napper (I had a chronic 45 minuter and nothing would get him through it).  Michelle is right at this point I would just make sure your dd gets as many naps in as possible even if they are only 45 minutes.  Hopefully you will be one of the many whose babies outgrow the short naps.  Good luck!