Thanks for all of your ongoing support ladies and hugs too. I am thinking that you are right, that BTC may be my best bet now. I managed to keep him awake until 12:20pm. He went down after moaning for 4 mins. A HUGE improvement!I hope at least a 1.5 hour nap.
becky-I really do hope that we do get there as far as OT is concerned. He has always been ridiculously prone to OT as well. Didn't know that until I came here and now I realise as an infant I kept him awake too long thus super looooong NWs and poor naps. Now that I am "in the know" I thought it wold improve things, but I can only do so much, ya know. I can put him in his crib but I can't make him sleep, right!LOL.I really think that these eye teeth are the biggest culprit. It is funny, when we are away from teething (which is only for a month or 2) I always look back and see that being the reason for our sleep issues.
bryony-I pretty much have a rule like that too. But over time the naps got earlier and earlier and bedtime too until we went from a 6:30/7 wake with a 12 pm nap and a 7/7:30 bedtime to a whole hour+ earlier. I can't get him down any earlier than about 7pm after getting home at 5:30 having super and a bath that is about as soon as I can get him down now that I am back to work (which by the way is going well!)so I am hoping that his body adjusts. Really hoping!
skatty-I figure things can't get any worse than now so i am biting the bullet. Thanks for the hugs. I am tired, but it seems like a way of life now for me.