I have a sleepy bub.
Right now he's doing 12 hour nights, 2 hour naps. But he just came out of a phase where he was doing 13 hour nights (with me waking him!!) and 2 hour naps.
He's always needed more sleep than the average, though. He had reflux as a baby, so we had tons of NWs. Once he turned 1, tho, his night sleep became a solid 12-13 hours.
Have you tried pushing nap a little later? That's what worked for us. He now naps 2-4, and so that usually means in bed around 8, asleep by 8:30. Then he wakes 8:30-9 in the morning. Great for me, because I work at home while he sleeps! I get up at 6, exercise and still have 2 hours to work before he wakes up. Never thought it would work out so well -- with the reflux, that first year was a BEAR!