Author Topic: Taking EASY out on a trip?  (Read 729 times)

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Taking EASY out on a trip?
« on: August 25, 2008, 01:57:52 am »

My 6 month-old DS and I are on a 4 hour EAEASY and right now tackling with night wakings and weaning paci.  Doing pu/pd with BW support from this site and with great improvement.  I would just like to ask if it's possible to continue the routine if I take him out on a weekend trip to visit his gram/ps?   If so, how?  When his naptime comes, what should I do if we were in the car or out somewhere?  What if he did nap, but it was short? 



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Offline vadensmommy

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Re: Taking EASY out on a trip?
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2008, 02:36:21 am »
Hey Teresa!
My family lives about 4hrs away, and we often take trips there for the weekends to visit.  It can be a challenge to stick to a good EASY plan when you are out of town, but is possible with some tweaking!  :)  Depending on where you stay, continuing sleep training can be difficult.  We always stay at my parent's house when we go to visit, and it is not the best sound-proofed house.  So, that meant that sleep "training" such as pu/pd or shh/pat was pretty much out of the question, because to do so would wake the entire household.  So on such trips, I reverted to holding dd to sleep, or at least held her a bit more than I typically would have at home.  I think (and many others familiar to BW do as well) that babies are pretty smart, and know when they are out of their ordinary environment, and can tolerate a bit of fudging when it comes to routine, and independent sleep when away from home. 

Yes, your routine will be a bit off, and yes it may cause more sleep disturbances when you return home if you've had to APOP (accidentally parent - on purpose) while away from home in order to keep peace with the household, but once you're back home, you can pick up where you left off with sleep training, with hopefully, only minor setbacks.  It's kind of the same when baby is sick - they know the rules are different, and comforting baby while sick, with whatever means necessary is always ok, and once they are feeling well again, go back to the sleep training and working on independent sleep.

As far as naps go, we did our best to schedule naps when we'd be at the house, as my family have a crib available for dd's use there, and she's always slept better in a crib.  If we couldn't be at home for the nap time, then the next best thing was to be in the car driving.  When you aren't in a place where you can "extend" a nap, try not to stress too much about it.  Being out of his element, his sleep is going to be disrupted, but it's ok, you can work on catching up, if needed, when you get back home.  And oddly enough, when dd has had some sleep problems, such as NW's or EW's, sometimes a big routine shake up like going to visit the grandparents, and the sleep loss that most often accompanies it, is just what she needs to get back into a better sleep routine when we do get back home.

So if naps are short, you can always offer an extra catnap, or early bedtime in order to combat OT.  My other piece of advice would be to not let him nap too long in one sitting, just because you're in the car, or doing something else fun - it is a recipe for a rough night.  Of course if he is taking a longer nap because another nap was short, that may be just fine - just use your mommy sense and good judgment!

Hope that helps a bit!


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Re: Taking EASY out on a trip?
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2008, 02:57:26 am »
Totally agree.  We have done numerous car trips to visit ILs for the weekend and we didn't worry too much about sticking to EASY.  I do try to stick as closely as possible to their sleep times but sometimes it just can't be helped, kwim?  Fortunately, both of mine are pretty fine with the disruption in their routines.  We do get NWs but it can be fixed within a few days when we got back home.

As for sleep training when you are away, I would postpone till you get back home.  I have done at LOT of APOP while away from home (co-sleeping, nursing to sleep, holding) and we have always managed to get back on track.  Just be prepared that it can take a while to get back on track so if you intend to do some form of AP, then make sure that you can break it afterwards. 

Enjoy your trip.

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Re: Taking EASY out on a trip?
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2008, 03:47:22 am »
I noticed the same thing with Ben when he was little.  I didn't do EASY with him, because I didn't know about BW, but I did do a form of gentle, baby-friendly sleep training with him not very different from BW.  I could tell that he knew I did things differently when we weren't home and didn't take long to get back on track when we would come back.  I think they can tell when they are home and when they aren't almost right away, and they will learn pretty quickly that when you are at home, things happen a certain way, even if it is different when you are out.  So, don't be afraid to do what you need to on a trip.  He'll know what to expect when his surroundings become familiar again.  Have fun!
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Offline Chubbycheekies

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Re: Taking EASY out on a trip?
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2008, 01:36:28 am »
Hello ladies,

Thanks for sharing.  3 weeks since we tried pu/pd and weaning paci, my DS is sleeping for a much longer stretch at night now.  He's quite inconsistent, though, with 1 or 2 good nights, then bad night again, but better than before!!  :)

I feel more confident about taking him out on a day trip or something.  His EASY is set during the weekdays, but when daddy is home on the weekend, we would like to take him out to visit and explore. 

I'm going to be brave and take him out.  Will let you know how it goes and may ask some more advice if things take a nasty turn! 


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Offline vadensmommy

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Re: Taking EASY out on a trip?
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2008, 08:59:00 am »
Good luck Teresa!
You can't avoid going out and about forever, and where would the fun be if you did?  Try not to be a "slave" to EASY, especially since the point of EASY is to help you have an easier time :)  I was (and still am tbh) bad about limiting our activities A LOT because of routine.  Drives DH crazy.  I try to set limits now on what I will and won't let slide - naps are always better at home, and I will fudge bedtime up to 30min or so, but only on weekends.  It helps to keep some sanity for all of us.  Good luck, and I hope you and DH enjoy getting out and about!