Author Topic: Reduce first nap or extend a for a 10 mo old? Or something else?  (Read 4207 times)

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Hello, for those of you who know the situation from birthclub, bare with me while I give a little back ground.  :-)

Ds has had his two top, front teeth arrive.  Today they finally look like they have both cut through completely.  Another on the top looks like it may be here soon.  He has reflux, and has been a little refluxy off and on lately.  Naps will be fine one day, and the next he is waking early or rolling around a long time to get to sleep.  Lately there hasn't been crying(while falling asleep), which the crying I associated more with the teething discomfort.  The fun shrieking he does I associate to either ut or ot depending on the situation.  He has started pulling up in the crib a bit this week.  Bonking his head, cries, I soothe, try patting, sits, I put down if he starts to get crazy, pat, and eventually he gets tired while I pat somewhere in this cycle; then finally asleep.  He wears me out just watching him.  LOL  A little while ago, we changed to solids first in our routine, but the restlessness was happening before this change. 

So, today I gave 3h15 instead of 3h of a before am and pm naps.  Took him 15 min instead of 20 to go down for naps.  He did not wake early during the second nap, as he has for the past week and a half.  Sometimes short nap, sometimes he would pat back to sleep, here and there a good nap but rare.  With the longer a, he took from 7:15-7:50 to fall alseep.  Granted, I did have to change two poopy diapers during that time.

So, here is the routine we did today.  Any suggestions appreciated for adjusting the naps to get less restlessness falling asleep.  Lengthening a is helping, but messing with bedtime.  We were doing about 4 hrs a before bed time to get rid of a 9:15 pm wake and ew.  For it to work, he needs to have a 2 hr pm nap, at least.  I currently have to wake him for both naps as they are.  The am nap takes a bit to wake him (like a few min.)  I usually go in, turn on the lamp, talk quietly, rustle some things about, begin to take him out of grobag when he starts to wake to go potty.  Awake/happy by the time we get to potty, and he usually pees right away.  YEAY!

6.00 awake for meds
7.00 breakfast
8.30 bottle
9.16-10.03 nap (in there at 10, and took few minutes to wake gently)

10.15 prevacid
11.00 solids
12.30 bottle
1.30-3.35 nap (woke right away)

4.30 prevacid
4.50 solids
6.40 bottle
7.00 last top off
7.15 crib (two poops and taken out twice tonight);  by the way this happened I think a couple of night ago; new since he stopped taking a bottle after second nap.  I'm guessing that not having that bottle gets the bowls moving later; he used to poo in the morning.
7.50 asleep

Sorry about all the rambling.  Hope I answered a lot of the things you might be wondering about.
Best regards!


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Re: Reduce first nap or extend a for a 10 mo old? Or something else?
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2008, 04:40:10 am »
Jean, I think you may want to try this 45min morning nap with the slightly longer A time another day or two and see if the bedtime settles out?  This could have been a one off with the pooing etc.  I would give it a couple more days and see.  Interested to know how this goes - we may be looking at the same thing here soon :)

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Re: Reduce first nap or extend a for a 10 mo old? Or something else?
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2008, 06:44:33 am »
i agree with PP and a longer A time seems right for his age


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Re: Reduce first nap or extend a for a 10 mo old? Or something else?
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2008, 11:10:26 am »
Thanks!  I will give it another couple days.  He had a fantastic night after getting to bed 7:50!  Crazy.  Not a noise all night.  He usually makes noises a bit and puts himself to sleep here and there during the night.  NOTHING like before with the reflux keeping us up.  :-) 


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Re: Reduce first nap or extend a for a 10 mo old? Or something else?
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2008, 14:20:00 pm »
that's so great Jean ;D  curious to see what happens in the next couple of days.


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Re: Reduce first nap or extend a for a 10 mo old? Or something else?
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2008, 14:47:21 pm »
Went to the store this morning, and I finally got him in the crib at 9:18, and he was asleep at 9:22.  I even put him in the pack and play in his room, as we are trying to get him ready for our mini vacation.  Even more reason to iron out those a's, so he isn't rolling around and get ot in there on vacation.

If I put him in the crib w/the same amt of a for pm nap, then it would be putting him in the crib at 1:30.  Usually have him asleep by 1:30 and up by 3:30 in the least, b/c he usually does better w/at least 4 hr a before bed.  Maybe he will go down in 4 min and it won't be an issue, I hope.  Usually he does better w/at at least 2 hr there.  Got rid of nw at 9:15 and ew, I think.  I also think his pm nap will become the long nap (hoping for longer than 2 hrs) when he transitions to one nap, no?  Should I not be cutting there and cut am?  He seems so tired when I wake him already...

He is doing first nap now, but I think I will try ending the second at 3:30 as I process through this in the post.  Unless anyone has another suggestion.  Could see if that nw comes back?  Play with fire a little?  LOL


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Re: Reduce first nap or extend a for a 10 mo old? Or something else?
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2008, 15:07:35 pm »
Quick update; he slept from 9:22-9:57.  Only 35 min.  Likely ot?  Maybe it is being in the pack and play that woke him.  He never wakes on own for nap.    Well, he will go down earlier than 1:30 I suspect, and I will put him in his crib for the long nap.


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Re: Reduce first nap or extend a for a 10 mo old? Or something else?
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2008, 19:02:45 pm »
I think that's what i would do too.  I think generally right now the nap to cut is the morning nap, for exactly the reason you mentioned, that then they eventually will take one long nap in the early afternoon.
Zach is usually in bed between 1:30 and 2pm as well, and I wake him at 3:30 - same thing here - he needs about 3.5-4hrs before bedtime or else he doesn't go down well.
good luck with the afternoon nap :)


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Re: Reduce first nap or extend a for a 10 mo old? Or something else?
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2008, 19:06:20 pm »
SIGH, afternoon nap crazy.

12.50 wind down
1.05 crib (has yawned twice; acting soooo tired)
1.05 WILD in crib sitting, crawling around, pulling up, laughing
1.06 take him out, read 3 more books; he is relaxed
1.15 crib turns into wild man again
1.50 meds, in case he is uncomfortable; started being fussy 1.45; gee, wonder why?   ::)
2.00 asleep

Still waking him at 3.30.  This is the WORST put down in months.

Jen, just saw your post.  Thanks for the advice.  I will wake him as you wake Zach by 3.30.  THanks for the well wishes.


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Re: Reduce first nap or extend a for a 10 mo old? Or something else?
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2008, 19:09:54 pm »
oooh, sorry the wind down was so wonky :-\ that sucks. they're so tricky, these little ones. one day they can be up and OT and be fine, and the next time they're just brutal about it.
hoping he sleeps solid here until you wake him.

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Re: Reduce first nap or extend a for a 10 mo old? Or something else?
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2008, 14:48:58 pm »
Jean, how did the night go, how was bedtime?

Just now got a chance to come on here and catch up with you about the naps. Thanks for the reminder on the month club, I had forgotten because the link was on the previous page :)

Another time of change, right :)
DS#1: 30 Oct 2007
DS#2 19 Feb 2010


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Re: Reduce first nap or extend a for a 10 mo old? Or something else?
« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2008, 20:04:01 pm »
Absolutely a time of change.  He's trying to grow up, and I am trying to keep naps as they are haha.  Not working for a while, as they were off and on for some time.  It was hard to tell with the teeth, though.

Last night took 16 min to sleep.  Not tooo bad, but a little restless; no screaming/laughing/climbing, though.  Wild man took the night off  :-)  Well, that is until 9:43, 2:30, 3:30 (gave meds) 5:30 awake.  Turkey.

Today, naps at:
9:12-10:03 (In crib 9:07.  Fell asleep quick.  My mom visiting, and I got distracted.  A little longer than 45 min.)
1:30-Hopefully 3:30  (In crib 1:22, fell asleep well; had to pat, though.  Woke 2:30-2:32; patted back to sleep.)

First nap was in the pack and play, and he didn't wake early.  I realized he could see out the front; I blocked it w/ a blanket today.  Second nap in reg. crib.  Thinking on Sat. I may try both naps there.  Just giving him time to adjust to being in there.

Will see how tonight goes.  :-)  Thanks for checking in!


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Re: Reduce first nap or extend a for a 10 mo old? Or something else?
« Reply #12 on: August 29, 2008, 01:28:59 am »
Okie dokie, I think a pattern is arrising.  Tuesday, he had the same great naps as today falling at about 9:15-10ish and 1:30-3:30.  Both Tues and tonight, he went to bed about 7:50.  Tuesday, he had the BEST night of sleep going w/o waking until 6, that he has had in a while.  Not one single peep; woke laughing.  Don't get me wrong, we have good nights where he wakes and puts self to sleep or needs us once.  Nothing like before.  lol  But we do need tweeking. 

Soooo, I think he may need less sleep during the day?  What do you think?  He used to sleep from about 1/1:15-3:00/3:15, and have at least 4-4.25 hrs of a in BEFORE he was in the crib to fall alseep prior to stretching a.  Today, he woke at 3:30 from nap, and I put him in crib at 7:25; still rolled around until 7:53. 

Is my next step to cut the second nap a bit shorter, say 10 min? 

Offline yaya

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Re: Reduce first nap or extend a for a 10 mo old? Or something else?
« Reply #13 on: August 29, 2008, 06:37:02 am »
Definately worth a DD di SOOOO much better when I reduced her daysleep


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Re: Reduce first nap or extend a for a 10 mo old? Or something else?
« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2008, 11:21:56 am »
Thanks Michelle! 

I might even be as drastic as 15 min. lol  Last night he woke 10:40 (put himself to sleep in a minute-not a problem), and woke at 4:50.  Off and on we heard noises, got quiet, and he made noise again at 5:10.  Dh went in to see if he was stuck, moved him, and he woke at 6.  6 is fine for the meds.

Will see how today goes!  Thanks again everybody :-)