I too have struggled with the whole natural vs traditional routes. I think there is a place for both and especially with LO's where ever possible I like to explore natural routes because IMO anything is worth a try! especially if traditional isn't providing the answers.
From my own experience I had severe eczema around my eyes as a teen and it was awful and embarassing, I was willing to try anything and went to several expensive dermatologists who prescribed creams etc, telling me to put hydrocortisone on my eyelids which I did because I was desperate. Allergy testing wasn't really done back then. I did see a natropath who didn't help that much either then I went to a new natropath and he cured it! He basically diagnosed I had systematic candida, not thrush as such but an imbalance in my system of too much yeast etc. I had to go on this hard core diet and take supplements but finally it was gone. So thats an adult success story.
My DD also developed hideous eczema at 3-4mo. I went to expensive allergy specialists and nothing came back in the RAST tests. It was so frustrating not to have any answers. They did suggest I do skin patch testing which apparently is better at showing delayed reactions (which I think ours was). I also went to a natropath who did hair testing which came back with everything! soy, dairy, goat. So confusing! But I did find that eliminating these in my diet helped enormously (while BFing) and I also took her off the cows milk formula I was supplmenting with and tried goats. The allergy specialist told me there was no point trying goats but the natropath suggested to give it a go as although it came up in their tests it didn't show the degree of allergens whereas the cows I had her on obviously had a strong reaction. So we made lots of other changes, baby probiotics, washing powders, cranial oesteopath etc. etc but also changed to goats and with all these changes her awful eczema is practically gone. I know we were lucky as not everyone has success changing to goats. But my instincts and the naturopath told me it could'nt hurt to give it a go. And although I used some of the creams doctors gave me I had better success with natural alternatives but took me ages and a lot of money to find a good one that suited her skin.
Sorry I haven't had time to look at that website and I know this is getting a little bit long but in summary I think theres a place for both, but what I like about the natural route is they will often look at the why rather than just prescribing creams to cover a problem up.
My husband was also a sceptic but after seeing the results with me and also with our DD he's now a lot more open to it. I think just like traditional docs there are good and not so good, just the same with alternative and with the wide range of alternative options available that aren't exactly cheap its great that you are doing your research, IMO the thing with eczema and allergies is what works for one will not always work for another, I think there are so many different kinds of eczema and therefore possible causes and treatments.
Good luck I hope you find a solution and if your instinct is telling you to give this a go I say listen to it
Wendy I also meant to respond to your other post about natropaths so guess I've done that here!