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Alternative Medicine Dilema
« on: August 29, 2008, 04:52:56 am »
Hello everyone.

I guess my quesion is has any of you mommies and daddies of children with allergies ever tried something other than the traditional medicine to treat your LO's allergies?
My LO is 12 months old and she has multiple food allergies (dairy, peanuts, nuts, eggs) and a lot of sensitivities to different food. Also she has eczema since she was 3 MO. We have seen 2 allergists and all they said is that she might outgrow her dairy and egg allergies by 3-5 years old and prescribed epi-pen for her peanut/nut allergies.

Recently I started to do some research on the alternative medicine and came across NAET (Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques) details are on their web site I tried to google NAET and found very mixed reviews on this topic. For some people it worked and they recommend to try it, some people doubt, criticize and even laugh at it.
Also I found a couple of naturopathic doctors that offer extensive diagnostic and treatment services.

I mean, of course, anything other than our western traditional medicine is doubted, criticized and "proven false" beside the fact that all those other methods are not cheap, not covered by insurance and do not give 100% guarantee etc ... but I can't help wondering if anyone really tried something like acupuncture or herbal remedies or such and it worked....
My husband is very pessimistic and tells me to stay away from "those crooks" but there's always "what if" for a mother that wants to find a relief for her child.

All your responses and advices are highly appreciated.

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Re: Alternative Medicine Dilema
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2008, 02:30:58 am »
Hello there:

Very interesting website.  I think when our little ones have allergies, in pain, we know something is not right, as a mother we research and are willing to do anything.

I just took my son to a Natropathic Doctor 2 days ago.  He is having issues with foods and traditional doctors will not do intolerance testing, only allergy testing.

It was not covered at all by my Insurance and cost me $400.00, but I am very glad I went. 

As far as the acupuncture and other stuff, I am not sure off.  It really does make you wonder though.

My hubby was the same way.  He asked if the Natropathic doctor was a witch doctor. 

We also tried a chiropractor when he was a few months old.  The lady we saw even did a class for us and showed us how the spinal cord is linked to every area of your body.  It really all made perfect since.  We took him 2 times, but I just did not really feel like it would help.  Also she wanted to see us 3 times a week and my co-pay for that was $20.00 a visit.  So that would have added up fast.

I would research it more.  But I am with you, I think we are willing to try anything to help our kids.

Wendy -

Zach - 3 1/2 yrs old. My sweet, loving, gentle boy that loves playing in the dirt!

Tyler - 17 months.  My very very spirited little boy.  Can't turn your back for a minute.  He is doing the cutest things now!  Loves to eat and climb!

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Re: Alternative Medicine Dilema
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2008, 02:58:49 am »
I can't say it would work for everyone but it did work for us. (I believe I just posted on Wendy's thread too - hi Wendy!)

My LO had eczema very bad and was food related too. He tested sensitive to wheat, milk and nuts. However even with pulling it out of his diet (and giving him cortisone cream all the time) he still had such bad rashes he would scratch until he bled.

We decided to try the natural route. They tested that he was sensitive to all that too but also extremely sensitive to normal salt. We had to give him a bit of one brand of sea salt every day while eliminating all regular salt and foods he was sensitive to. Within days his rash was gone. Within weeks we could reintroduce the foods he was sensitive to without any/little consequences. This after 1 1/2 years of regular doctor visits/cortisone cream!

We got off easy with our natural route - it was $100 for the visit and then $8 for the salt. And LO hasn't had a rash for 6 months and is eating everything again (we use the sea salt for all cooking though).

But I agree - no guarantees - just 1 success story here to report...

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Re: Alternative Medicine Dilema
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2008, 03:27:17 am »
I too have struggled with the whole natural vs traditional routes. I think there is a place for both and especially with LO's where ever possible I like to explore natural routes because IMO anything is worth a try! especially if traditional isn't providing the answers.

From my own experience I had severe eczema around my eyes as a teen and it was awful and embarassing, I was willing to try anything and went to several expensive dermatologists who prescribed creams etc, telling me to put hydrocortisone on my eyelids which I did because I was desperate. Allergy testing wasn't really done back then. I did see a natropath who didn't help that much either then I went to a new natropath and he cured it! He basically diagnosed I had systematic candida, not thrush as such but an imbalance in my system of too much yeast etc. I had to go on this hard core diet and take supplements but finally it was gone. So thats an adult success story.

My DD also developed hideous eczema at 3-4mo. I went to expensive allergy specialists and nothing came back in the RAST tests. It was so frustrating not to have any answers. They did suggest I do skin patch testing which apparently is better at showing delayed reactions (which I think ours was). I also went to a natropath who did hair testing which came back with everything! soy, dairy, goat. So confusing! But I did find that eliminating these in my diet helped enormously (while BFing) and I also took her off the cows milk formula I was supplmenting with and tried goats. The allergy specialist told me there was no point trying goats but the natropath suggested to give it a go as although it came up in their tests it didn't show the degree of allergens whereas the cows I had her on obviously had a strong reaction.  So we made lots of other changes, baby probiotics, washing powders, cranial oesteopath etc. etc but also changed to goats and with all these changes her awful eczema is practically gone. I know we were lucky as not everyone has success changing to goats. But my instincts and the naturopath told me it could'nt hurt to give it a go. And although I used some of the creams doctors gave me I had better success with natural alternatives but took me ages and a lot of money to find a good one that suited her skin.

Sorry I haven't had time to look at that website and I know this is getting a little bit long but in summary I think theres a place for both, but what I like about the natural route is they will often look at the why rather than just prescribing creams to cover a problem up.

My husband was also a sceptic but after seeing the results with me and also with our DD he's now a lot more open to it. I think just like traditional docs there are good and not so good, just the same with alternative and with the wide range of alternative options available that aren't exactly cheap its great that you are doing your research, IMO the thing with eczema and allergies is what works for one will not always work for another, I think there are so many different kinds of eczema and therefore possible causes and treatments.

Good luck I hope you find a solution and if your instinct is telling you to give this a go I say listen to it  :-*

Wendy I also meant to respond to your other post about natropaths so guess I've done that here!

DD1 Oct 07
DD2 Sept 12

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Re: Alternative Medicine Dilema
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2008, 03:46:48 am »
Our holitic doctor is a NAET specialist.....I cannot say enough about is one of the best kept secrets on earth IMO.  It has helped us so much, there is too much for me to write!!  Has helped me, my dh, and our dd....since before her birth!  Please do yourself a favor and investigate can be miraculous.

Most skin conditions are a result of a yeast/flora imbalance.....that is what I belive based upon what I have seen. DD's eczema was gone in 2 visits, my rosacea (a life-long chronic condition with no cure we were told) was gone in one visit.  My dh no longer gets poison ivy....and he used to get it in the dead of winter...he was so sensitive to any molecule of it. All of that stuff.....gone!    ;D

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Re: Alternative Medicine Dilema
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2008, 11:18:38 am »
Wendy - you say that traditional doctors only do allergy tests and not intolerance tests?  I didn't realize that there were intolerance tests that could be done.  What is involved in an intolerance test?  I have a feeling when my son goes to get allergy tested nothing will show up.
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Re: Alternative Medicine Dilema
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2008, 19:28:54 pm »
Hey Melanie:  That is what the Naturopath doctor said, which I had never heard of intolerance testing either, so I am sure she is right.

The only intolerance test I have heard of is the breath test for lactose intolerance the regular doctors do.

When you go to the allergist, they will either do a skin prick or a RAST blood test.  They want test for intolerances, where you body lacks the proper digestive enzymes to break down food.

In you case though, I would highly recommend the allergist, just because of his history.  If nothing shows up, I would deft. look into a Natropath and get intolerance testing done

Wendy -

Zach - 3 1/2 yrs old. My sweet, loving, gentle boy that loves playing in the dirt!

Tyler - 17 months.  My very very spirited little boy.  Can't turn your back for a minute.  He is doing the cutest things now!  Loves to eat and climb!

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Re: Alternative Medicine Dilema
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2008, 21:37:45 pm »
Good point.  I will definitely do the allergist first, then see what happens.  Stupid thing is I have to get referred to the allergist by my family doctor, even though the pediatric dietitian at the hospital already approves this, she told me it has to come from the family doctor.  Ugh so I'm waiting for my appt on Thursday to get the referral, then we wait for the allergist to call me and to make an appt.... 
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Re: Alternative Medicine Dilema
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2008, 04:42:04 am »
My family and I have had tonnnnns of help from a holistic dr. and his partner.

As it relates to food allergies, a few family members have been cured of food intolerances.  Different than a food allergy I know.

A family member also goes for serious food allergies.  While it is not smart for her to test herself to see if she is now not allergic, the hope is that if she was actually exposed to the foods then she would not have a severe reaction.

Sounds crazy, but can help.  Worth a try.  $$$ yes, but when you can be helped with life long problems how can you put a price on that?

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Re: Alternative Medicine Dilema
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2008, 05:14:37 am »
Thanks to everyone for your responses. You really encouraged me to investigate this option further. I let my DH to read all your posts and told him I trusted this web site and people here. He seems to be a little bit open to try it after reading all your responses.

I have found a list of registered Naturopathic Doctors that practice in my city but it is hard to choose one (there are at least 30 practicioners). Anyway I will definitely post if we decide to go with ND and if there is any result.

thanks again
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Re: Alternative Medicine Dilema
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2008, 17:55:47 pm »
Glad to hear that about your husband.  The best thing about this site is we are all just mother's who have been there. 

I normally am not an all natural person, but after going to the Natropathic doctor, my mind is changing.

I am sure it will be hard to choose.  If they have websites, I would check each of them out first.

Just like a doctor, you want to be 100% comfortable with them.

Please post if you do decide to go.

Wendy -

Zach - 3 1/2 yrs old. My sweet, loving, gentle boy that loves playing in the dirt!

Tyler - 17 months.  My very very spirited little boy.  Can't turn your back for a minute.  He is doing the cutest things now!  Loves to eat and climb!

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Re: Alternative Medicine Dilema
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2008, 18:03:52 pm »
Yay!! Glad you're going to investigate!!!  In order to make your decision easier, ask about one who knowa about NAET....definitley. Also, if any of them use muscle testing (aka kinesiology) as that is the method my doc uses to assess what your body "deosn't want", ie, has an intolerance/allergy to.   

What this involves is simply holding the possible allergen in your hand....and then you hold your other arm out to the side. The doc pushes on the top of your outstretched arm. If the thing you're holding is bad for you (your body doesn't want it) then your arm will drop like a ton of bricks...
If the thing you're holding is a good thing, then your arm will stay strong.  This is so effective....!!!!!  I know how "out there" it sounds....but I swaer to you it's amazing!!!! I could explian how it wors....but it would take forever to type!!! But it makes such perfect and obvious sense....once you see it in action you can't help but wonder why every doctors office doesn't use this as a diagnostic tool??  Although I'm told that alot of new med students are being shwon some kinesiology in med that's good!!! 

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Re: Alternative Medicine Dilema
« Reply #12 on: September 01, 2008, 20:26:50 pm »
I've had kinetics testing done - thats how the last natropath figured out my eczema thing - its freaky!

I also think ones that are quite booked up are another good sign as they are obviously popular. My cranial oesteopath has like a 5 week waiting list because she is so good. You can also try searching local mums forums online in your area (just try googling) and often you can find discussions and then search about natropaths. Kind of like on here but might be something local.

good luck let us know how you get on 

DD1 Oct 07
DD2 Sept 12

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Re: Alternative Medicine Dilema
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2008, 04:56:14 am »
Hi all.
Just a small update. Finally persuaded DH to try NAET with DD. I made an appointment with the NAET doctor for Sept. 17.
So far I know she charges $75 CAD for the first visit and $45CAD for regular visits. Also my DH's insurance from work covers Naturopath/Chiropractor/Acupuncturist for the amount of $300CAD. Not much but still better than nothing. So I would advise you to find out more about your extended health care insurance if you decide to try the alternative medicine.

Promise to try to keep you posted.
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Re: Alternative Medicine Dilema
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2008, 03:42:07 am »
Hi all,
Today we had our first visit with NAET doctor. Since DD is just 13MO I was her surrogate, i.e the doctor treated DD through me. It sure sounded odd but the doctor assured it should work. Anyhow, as Amelia1227 mentioned we took a muscle testing for 3 substances: 1. Brain Body Balance Formula, 2.Egg mix, 3. Calcium mix. All three showed muscle weakness so DD was treated for the first substance today. All I had to do was to hold the vial with allergen in my hand and touch DD while the doctor did some acupressure on my back. After the treatment you supposed to avoid the treated allergen for 25 hours beside Brain Body Balance Formula.

Our next appointment will be on Sept30 because our doctor is leaving for some more NAET training next week where she said she hopefully would learn the technique where you don't have to avoid the allergens for 25 hours after the treatment as with some allergens it is impossible to do so like with dustmites or pollen etc.

I also ordered three books from Amazon about 3 week ago and got delivered today; 1. Say Good-Bye to Illness by D.Nambudripad (NAET creator); 2. How to Manage Your Child's Life -Threatening Food Allergies by Linda Marienhoff Coss; 3.The Parent's Guide to Food Allergies by Marianne S. Barber.
All three books had good reviews on Amazon website so we'll see.

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