Hi Mukta, thanks for your kind support, I dont know what i would do without you guys on here. I know you have had your fair share of problems with your lo as I have seen your posts on here before.
Becky, thanks for dropping in, I appreciate it. We normally do wi/wo when she wakes early and sometimes it works sometimes not. I have done all the above previously, giving milk, rocking taking her in my bed, getting in her bed but nothing has worked but today for instance she actually lay in her cot for 1hr before she started getting serious about me getting up, I know she did not fall back off as she kept calling my name every 10 mins or so but that is a huge improvement on before as she would be hysterical, which is what makes me think she has had her quota of sleep. I am more than happy to start our day at 6am, and if she needs less sleep then that is fine, it is just the messing about we seem to keep doing and 4.30 is no joke!
Thanks again,
Rachael x