Author Topic: 1 year old picky/manners.  (Read 1018 times)

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Offline camys mum

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1 year old picky/manners.
« on: August 31, 2008, 23:37:51 pm »

My son is almost one and just started daycare this week. His carers have noted that he is a great eater.

He has began to be a bit of a nightmare at feedings at home. I've tried feeding with a spoon and he looks away, self feeding (we did BLW) most of the food ends up on the floor. I've taken to feeling badly that he didn't eat enough and give him cheerios/rice krispies to make sure he eats and doesn't wake hungry during the night. Is this wrong to give him cereal when he won't eat dinner, I kind of feel that he should be eating the same dinner as the family. He has also had some tantrums in his highchair as he always wants 'something' on the table, tonight it was my water, last night the pickle jar, I gave him a drink of my water, but again, feel like i'm setting up a bad standard here, point and whine and you'll get.....

Does anyone have any advice on a one year old and basic table manners, that we can work towards? I know that they are playing with gravity and learning, I just don't want this to escalate as it's getting a wee bit frustrating.  :-\

Offline lyndsy_p

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Re: 1 year old picky/manners.
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2008, 23:46:31 pm »
Ah yes...we are just on the tail end of this phase.

Food is going to end up on the floor. It did for us up until about 1 month ago. Not only is your LO playing with gravity, but he is playing with action causing reaction (in mum!).

My best advice is to offer 1 food at a time in small portions and tell him this is what he has to eat for dinner. Obviously pick things he likes (or liked!). Then when he starts to chuck that food on the floor take it as a signal that he is all done with that particular food group and move on.

We usually did veggies, then starch, then meat. My kid loves chicken/fish and she would refuse veggies if we offered meat first.

I would curtail the rice krispies as he will just want to eat those all the time. Stick to your guns (within reason) so that he understands that throwing a tantrum will not provide results.


Offline camys mum

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Re: 1 year old picky/manners.
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2008, 01:08:36 am »
Thanks Lyndsy_p,  :)
I'll try the small amounts, one at a time approach tomorrow, seems like a good start. Now that you mention it, he does sift through what is on his tray for things he likes, usually poo pooing vegetables. I'll start with vegetables tomorrow.
I have a feeling that the next while is going to be tough with tantrums, as he always points and asks for things, tomorrow is going to be my first day of saying no, to his demands, even if he wants a sip of my water, i'm going to say no, you have your own. I have tried saying no to many things before, for example the salt shaker, and usually it will end in tears. But he clearly can't have that, it took me a while to calm him down and dinner time was quite awful. Would you leave him in his high chair and talk him through it?  Or would you take him out if he's bawling, wait until he is calm and try again? Just not quite sure of the right approach? I'm a first time mum and these tantrums have me feeling a little shaken in my abilities.

Offline enna77

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Re: 1 year old picky/manners.
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2008, 01:32:22 am »
I think the best tactic at this age is diversion as they don't really understand enough.  Maybe have a toy he likes to divert attention to and give him instead of something from the table. My DD is also nearly one and I give her finger foods in limited amounts as Lyndsy suggested ie if I have made her a homemade pizza i give her one piece at a time. I know playing is part of the process but I just find this encourages more eating.

good luck and don't worry you will be fine, tantrums are just part of growing up (unfortunately) if you want more tips on tantrums you might find them on the discipline board but I have read to try with diversion first at this age.


DD1 Oct 07
DD2 Sept 12

Offline camys mum

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Re: 1 year old picky/manners.
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2008, 10:32:18 am »
Thanks enna77, as hard as they may be, sounds like this is just a natural stage for my LO?
 I'll keep some toys on hand for diversion, boy these wee ones are hard to figure out!