I am also battling thrush... we have been trying to get rid of it for almost all of DD's short time on this planet (she's 3 months and we started treatment at about 3 weeks). Her ped wanted to try Nystatin and we really didn't get anywhere with that. He finally put her on fluconazole (diflucan) for two weeks and she's on day #5. I also started getting some pretty nasty symptoms - the redness and turning white after BFing as well as the PAIN... feels like she's sucking razor blades through the nipple! My OB has me on fluconazole as well and after two days I am feeling MUCH better. Still red, but pain is dramatically reduced. I have to take it for 5 more days.
I actually was going to ask about side effects for DD with the fluconazole. There is a whole slew of them listed on the paperwork that came with the prescription (headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness...) and I was wondering if anyone else noticed a chance in their LO's behavior while they were taking it. She definitely isn't herself... she is an Angel/Textbook baby and for the last few days she's been cranky and seems to be having a harder time sleeping. Last night I couldn't get her to sleep until 9:30 and she's usually in bed by 7:30... almost seems to be causing some irritability.