Hi Lara M.
Try comforting her but I definitely wouldn't give her milk at that time.
She may expect milk at 5:30am all the time if you start that. Don't give
up..this happened to my lo one for almost 3 weeks but I stuck with
his normal routine but also did
wake to sleep technique for 1 whole week.
Here is Anthony's schedule... again it will take at least 1 week of being
consistent (regardless of what your method is) in order to see a change.
Wakes 7:15 am (just started waking up at this time...YAHOO)
Breakfast 7:45pm
Snack (through out the morning)
Lunch 11:15am/11:30am
Nap 12:30pm and he sleeps for 2 hours
Supper around 4:45pm/5pm
Snack (yogurt,crackers...etc) around 7ish
Bedtime between 7:30-7:45pm
The early lunch is what made everything work out well. Since he used to
wake up so early (6am) he was miserable around 11:30 so I decided to
feed him his lunch and put him down.
Believe me him waking up early used to drive me crazy. It all started
when I went back to work...he must of heard me get ready. I didn't
have much of choice but to tweek his routine instead of mine.
GOOD LUCK and just be CONSISTENT!!!Take care,