I continue to post on the NW boards in hopes of trying to work through 8-month-old LO's NW issues. I have recently come to the conclusion that it is doing me no good to work so hard to get her to sleep at night when it is undoubtedly our nap problems that are keeping the last couple NW alive. Below is our latest schedule - fyi, wake up time in morning varies just a little bit each day so for sake of posting schedule, I will use average of 6:30am:
Wake for the day 6:30am
E 6:45 BF
E 8:00 Solids
S 10:00ish Nap (45 minutes)
E 10:45 BF
E 12:00 Solids
S 2:00ish Nap (45 minutes)
E 2:45 BF
E 4:00 Solids
S 5:00ish Catnap (15-30 minutes)
E 6:15 BF 1/2
A 6:30 Bath
E 6:45 BF 1/2
A 6:55 Story/Wind-down
S 7:15 Asleep for the night
I am aware of the "uselessness" of 45 minute naps but I am absolutely dumbfounded at how to fix this. I honestly feel like I have tried everything - shorter A times seem to lead to UT, longer ones to OT, extending with PU/PD after 45 minutes is nearly hopeless, and no success with wake to sleep because as soon as her little eyes open even half way, she is smiling and babbling at me. I have been spending a lot of time sifting through other postings on both the NW and Nap Boards and am wondering if it is AT ALL possible that she might be transitioning to one nap already? I know that she is only 8 months old but the "signs" seem to be there and she is developmentally ahead of the game in a lot of areas (i.e. fully crawling and cruising, chomping on finger foods, etc.). The signs are that she is trying VERY hard to skip her morning nap all together and she is also waking earlier and earlier in the morning.
I really feel that I am not going to be able to get the NW under control until we figure out the naps but I at my whit's end ... WHAT ELSE CAN I DO? Any advice or ideas are greatly appreciated! Thank you!