She started switching to one nap around 14 mths and it has been a long and drawn out transition. She started refusing her afternoon nap and would do that off and on for weeks. It has taken forever to get her to a nap time at 11:30. Our schedule now is somewhat consistent, wake between 7-7:30, nap after 4 hr 15 min A time and bed between 7-7:30.
She sleep on average 11.5 hrs at night and does 12 hrs a few nights a week. Her naps range from 25 min on super bad days to 1.5 hrs. I'd say in a given week there will be 1-2 naps of 1.5 hrs and the rest will be 70-75 minutes long. She used to do 80 minutes but that length has disappeared, its either 70 or 90. I wish I could get her to do longer but nothing works. If you find anything, let me know!
I don't do much now to try and extend her nap, sometimes if she isn't fussing too much, I leave her in there for 20 more min. Most of the time she stands up and talks to her bunny until I go in, she is rarely upset when she wakes. I have tried a longer A time and it results in the 25 min nap more often, someone on here said that is OT so we stick with the shorter A time for now. I was hoping by the time she is your lo's age, we would have longer naps but I am realizing now that it is unlikely.
How long has your lo been on 1 nap?