Author Topic: Need help teaching 1 yr old to go to sleep independently, PLEASE HELP!  (Read 3146 times)

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Re: Need help teaching 1 yr old to go to sleep independently, PLEASE HELP!
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2008, 15:18:25 pm »
Yes, already have a sleepy time song that I made up plus a phrase I repeat over and over again quietly to her.  I use the phrase when I have to settle her if she wakes at night, that and a hand on her back usually does the job nicely. 
There have been a lot of changes for my DD the last week: introduction of cow's milk, cutting out a milk feed, ending breast feeding, and slight lengthening of one of her A times so am thinking I had better take things slowly with this sleep training over the next week.  Oh, and she is having her first birthday party on Sat, very exciting!   May sound like I'm chickening out but I'm not, just don't want to push her amidst so many transitions that's all.
Will keep you posted re progress!

Offline Peek-a-boo

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Re: Need help teaching 1 yr old to go to sleep independently, PLEASE HELP!
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2008, 22:51:06 pm »
I think you're wise to be slow during transitions.   Let us know how things go.  :D

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Re: Need help teaching 1 yr old to go to sleep independently, PLEASE HELP!
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2008, 12:06:42 pm »
OK, so we haven't progressed, still holding my LO for a minimum of 2 min after she closes her eyes.  Sometimes I go to lay her down after the 2 min and she opens her eyes and starts to get very upset (crying and flailing her arms).  I have tried soothing her but it gets her more upset and I end up picking her up and holding again.  On occasion I have to try 4-6 times to lay her down but the above happens over and over and I end up holding her for quite a long time.  I just don't know what to do anymore, feeling like I will always have to hold her to get her to sleep.  And yet, if she wakes once she is asleep, she more often than not gets herself back off within 5 min and without intervention from me!  Seems it's the initial going to sleep part that is the main problem.  Anyone have any suggestions???

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Re: Need help teaching 1 yr old to go to sleep independently, PLEASE HELP!
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2008, 22:19:52 pm »
Well, I'd look for a window of days where you can commit to working on sleep training and then I'd take the plunge.  Rock her, put her down, and then when she gets upset, I'd sit next to her in the crib.  Use your hands through the bars to pat her or reassure her; hug her if she stands up at the bars; use your voice to reassure her, but stick with it until she settles.  For 2-3 days, I'd do this and stay in the room until she's asleep.  Then begin moving your chair further from the crib.   Because she settles at other times, you know she has the skills--you've just got to convince her she must do it at the start of sleep too.

I don't know if that's the right thing to do, but it's what I'd do.

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Re: Need help teaching 1 yr old to go to sleep independently, PLEASE HELP!
« Reply #19 on: September 23, 2008, 01:10:57 am »
Sounds like a good plan.  Actually, I was out this afternoon so DH was in charge of putting the LO down for her nap and he did something similar to what you suggested.  He cuddled with her for a bit but then put her in the crib and stayed in the room.  It took 1hr. 20min but she did end up going off on her own in the end!   Think that's encouraging, don't you?  Will have to wait until the end of next week though as I'm starting back to work and my mum will be in charge.  Think it is best to wait until I have a stretch of days off when I can totally focus on the new plan of action. 
Thanks so much for your suggestion, seems like with some perseverance it will work for us...fingers crossed!  Will keep you updated  :)

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Re: Need help teaching 1 yr old to go to sleep independently, PLEASE HELP!
« Reply #20 on: September 23, 2008, 05:38:42 am »
That's very encouraging.  She can do it and so can you. :D

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Re: Need help teaching 1 yr old to go to sleep independently, PLEASE HELP!
« Reply #21 on: September 25, 2008, 11:09:52 am »
Quick update: yesterday I was back at work for the first time doing some reorientation for 8 hrs so DH had DD.  He used his method to put her down for both her naps which he said went well, she fussed a bit but she did go off on her own.  However, I came home and fed DD supper, gave her a bath and bedtime bottle but then handed her over to DH to put her to bed.  I thought that since he was doing so well he should do bedtime as well (he's never done it).  I could hear her crying downstairs, didn't sound like hard crying but crying nonetheless so I went and sat outside as it was a bit upsetting to hear.  Anyway, about an hour later, DH called for me.  DD had thrown up all over her bed again!   :'(  So I ended up cleaning up and putting her to bed by holding her  :-\  Now I don't know if she threw up because she was so upset or because she wasn't feeling well?  Perhaps it wasn't a good idea to have DH try to put her to bed with me being away most of the day for the first time?  My dilemma now is that I'm afraid to try the new plan since she threw up again.  Should I just go ahead anyway and be sure to give lots of reassurance if/when she gets upset?  Or wait a few days to implement?  I'm so worried we that we may be traumatizing our LO and breaking her trust!  :(

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Re: Need help teaching 1 yr old to go to sleep independently, PLEASE HELP!
« Reply #22 on: September 25, 2008, 11:24:26 am »
my guess would be that she threw up because she was upset, with my DD it unfortunately doesn't take much to get to that point, she gets to full-blast crying very quickly and if she's distressed she can easily vomit. Could it be possible that the reason DH had such great success in the day time with your dd was because she knew that you weren't home and so it wasn't an option to have you put her to bed? I find that with my DD there is NO WAY she will let DH do important things like bedtime for her when i'm in the house. Perhaps if you went out for the evening (even if its just round the corner so you can get home quickly if she gets very distressed) and she had her dinner, bath etc without you at home she might be more accepting of the fact that her dad puts her to bed??

Another thought is that for my DD (now 16 months), at the age of about 10 months till about 14 months was her most clingy age (and i mean EXTREMELY clingy). I could hardly get DH to even read her a story in the middle of the day if i was around...she'd cry and want to sit on my lap. It was really hard for those few months, she just didn't want anyone but me for about 99% of the day. It was hard for DH too as he felt hurt that she wouldn't let him comfort her, or even play with her at times. I honestly started feeling like I couldn't even leave her with her own dad for short times during the day because she acted like I was abandoning her forever. It could be that your DD is just going through that sort of stage at the moment. Heaps and heaps of mum's i've spoken to say that around 12 months is a really tricky time. If its any encouragement, at about 15 months DD suddenly became SO much more secure, happier to be left with other people, enjoyed time with DH so much more and just wasn't clingy anymore. Now she plays by herself in her cot or the playroom for ages and doesn't need to know where I am at every second of the day. What is your LO like generally at the moment?? I use my DDs daytime temperament as a bit of a guide to how much to expect of her at night/sleep times. If she's clingy like crazy and wants to be held lots and is really fragile, i know that its probably not the time to be changing her nighttime routines or reducing the amount of comfort or assistance I give her at sleep time. Thats not to say that you shouldn't be aiming to eventually have her be more independent, but sometimes I think if its not the right timing we are probably better off just waiting for a month or so and our LOs may be in a much better place to cope with the changes we want to make. You may be able to achieve success now, but you might spend a whole month of everyone feeling pretty wretched with the process, whereas if you wait a month or so you might find that it takes less time and is less exhausting for everyone. I guess use your gut instincts as to whether this is the best time for making big changes - not that i'm saying it isn't, but don't feel that just because she isn't independent at sleep times that you have to fix it asap or you aren't being a good parent. I'm sure you're doing such a great job and you will get through this.

Anyway, thats just a thought, sorry to hear its been so hard.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2008, 11:38:58 am by clajy011 »

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Re: Need help teaching 1 yr old to go to sleep independently, PLEASE HELP!
« Reply #23 on: September 25, 2008, 13:12:18 pm »
Thanks for your thoughts and encouragement Jessie, I truly appreciate it! 
It's really hard to say whether it was her being upset or if it was her not feeling well that made her vomit, probably a combination. 
My LO has become a lot more clingy to me ever since we stopped bfing 3 weeks ago.  Trouble is, DH absolutely has to start to do bedtimes because I return to full duties next week which means 12 hr shifts (7-7) so I simply won't be around for bedtime  :-\  I have tried and tried to explain to DH over the past few months that he had to start getting more involved with sleep times because it just wouldn't be fair to suddenly change things for DD when I went back to work...but he always had an excuse not to so here we are, a few days away and still he hasn't successfully put her to bed!  I know it's partly my fault for not insisting.  But anyway, dwelling on what we should have done won't help us at the moment, will it. 
This morning I just held her to get her off for her first nap (she's still sleeping).  I think I need to stick to the plan Peek-a-boo suggested and wait until I have a good stretch of days when I can focus on getting her to sleep in her crib with me sitting beside her for comfort and support.  I have a stretch of 7 off coming up starting next Friday.  However, I'm worried what will happen at bedtime next week when I'm back at work and DH has to do it.  Feel sick just thinking about it. :(

Offline mylittlelovelies

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Re: Need help teaching 1 yr old to go to sleep independently, PLEASE HELP!
« Reply #24 on: September 25, 2008, 21:14:42 pm »
You poor thing, i'd be feeling sick too. Hope i wasn't discouraging suggesting that you wait till the 'right' time, when obviously this has to be the right time! I had forgotten your work situation, sorry.
I guess given that you do have to fix things now, you can rest assured that she will get through this time and she really won't be scarred for life, you're doing it in the most gentle way you can.
Also, not sure if you'd already tried this, but would it be a gentler transition to focus on getting DH to put her to bed in the way that she is used to (being cuddled), rather than trying to work on sleep independence right when you're going back to work? Just thinking that even though she will probably get really upset when DH puts her to bed, it might still be more comforting for her to be getting cuddles rather than having to be in her cot. I guess it could be hard either way. This probably isn't that helpful, i'm sure you've considered all the options!
Good luck with it all,

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Re: Need help teaching 1 yr old to go to sleep independently, PLEASE HELP!
« Reply #25 on: September 25, 2008, 23:50:39 pm »
I CAN NO LONGER TAKE THIS!!  :'(  :'(  :'(
I can't even get her to sleep holding her any more, every time she drifts off, I wait for a few minutes then when I go to ease her into her crib she wakes and starts crying/screaming so I pick her up and start all over again.  This afternoon it took 2 hrs to get her to sleep.  And now tonight, I tried for 1.5 hrs. then finally gave up after I had completely lost my temper with her.  DH currently trying his way but guess what, she just threw up again.  THIS IS ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS!!!   :'(  :'(  :'(   All I can hear is her screaming down the hall and I just don't know what to do any more.  :'(  :'(  :'(

Offline Peek-a-boo

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Re: Need help teaching 1 yr old to go to sleep independently, PLEASE HELP!
« Reply #26 on: September 26, 2008, 00:47:30 am »
{{{{Hugs}}}}  If it were me, I would layer the crib alternating sheets and waterproof pads.  I would use the gradual withdrawal method.  If she vomits, take off the top sheet--there will be another underneath ready to go so it's quick--give her a quick hug and put her back down.  The AP isn't working, so it's forcing you to have to teach independent sleep. 

I have read that vomitting is a lot different for LOs than it is for adult and I know several mums with LOs who will vomit intentionally (when being dropped off at nursery, etc)--especially if the first few times mum's response was to go back to the way LO preferred things being done.   Right now you're probably feeling like she's as upset as you would be if you were so upset you vomitted and I suspect that isn't the case--if that makes any sense. 

I know her vomitting is upsetting, but I think you're going to have to push through it (lovingly).  Remember that you're right there reassuring her--she's not feeling abandoned or traumitized, she's just frustrated and confused that you're changing things.  Stay cool, convey confidence and support her through it.

Could you remind me of her age now and post her current routine?

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Re: Need help teaching 1 yr old to go to sleep independently, PLEASE HELP!
« Reply #27 on: September 26, 2008, 12:00:54 pm »
Thanks for the hugs and support, really needed it!  It ended up taking 3 hrs (9pm!) with 2 x vomit sessions and me holding her to get her off to sleep last night.  DH and I had a huge fight afterwards which was left unresolved so had a terrible night's sleep.  Then DD woke up at 5:15am (third day in a row she has woken before 6am) and it took me 1.5 hrs of holding to get her back to sleep for another 35-40 min.  So, I wonder what today will hold in store for us???  It's our anniversary and it certainly doesn't feel like a happy one. 

Anyway, my LO is 1yr. 2wks old.  She just started walking about 10 days ago too so that may have something to do with the sleep issue.

Before all this started, our routine looked like this:
6:20 wake
6:30 bottle
8:00 breakfast
9:00 nap for 1-1.25 hrs.
11:30 lunch
1:15 nap for 1-1.25 hrs.
2:30 bottle
4:30 dinner
5:30 bath
6:00 bottle and bed, usually asleep by 6:30-6:45

I understand what you are saying about the vomiting and agree that we need to push through it and use the GW method.  I just don't get how DH method will work for naps but not bedtime?   Any ideas?

Also wanted to thank Jessie for her suggestions and support.  Since holding is hardly working anymore, I think we need a new method that will enable us to move towards independent sleep.  This vomiting is so distressing for us all though! 

Will keep you both posted. 

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Re: Need help teaching 1 yr old to go to sleep independently, PLEASE HELP!
« Reply #28 on: September 26, 2008, 15:03:17 pm »
Quick update: Just managed to get DD down for nap #1 WITHOUT holding her for the first time!  She cried and cried but I sat on a stool beside her crib and was able to put my arms around her and give her kisses when she stood up as well as talk gently and encouragingly.  It ended up taking 45 min which I don't think was that bad for our first time.  She gagged twice but amazingly didn't vomit.  Wish me luck with nap # 2 this afternoon!   :)

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Re: Need help teaching 1 yr old to go to sleep independently, PLEASE HELP!
« Reply #29 on: September 26, 2008, 21:50:59 pm »
wow, what a relief that must have been that it worked relatively well. Good luck with the afternoon nap and bedtime