Melissa, I think our children are thinking alike. I too, thought that after 3.5yrs of EW's I would be able to handle it. During the winter, we were getting 6am wakings, which for us was a sleep-in.
But now we are back between 5/5:30am with my 20mth who also has been a fantastic sleeper waking at 4:30/5am. I have tried everything, from blackout curtains, to milk, to letting them sleep with me,but nothing has worked. I now just get up and start my day. By that it usually means an early cup of coffee while they have milk and a play and I watch the early morning news.
I am back to thinking that I will just have to change the way I do things during my day. Instead of catching up with friends during the morning and starting our playdates at 9:30am, we might have to do ours in the afternoon. By 10am, he often looses it because he is tired and my little girl is ready for a nap around 10:30am/11am. So I am thinking that the mornings can just be our time and go to the park early, go to the beach and have playdates etc in the afternoon with our friends.
The only think that worries me is that James is starting kindy next year - he will be almost 4 (he has stayed at home with me until now) and although it is only a 5 day/fortnight, and from 9am-2:30pm, I am wondering if he is waking at 5am how he is going to get through the day without major tantrums? I guess time will tell.
I do try and keep a positive spin on these EW's though. We will never be late for school, we can go to the beach early out of the very hot sun (we are coming into our summer), we can have the parks to ourselves, they will still needs naps during the day for longer
I am hoping that this will help me.
I do like reading that there are other children around the world who are waking at these times as NONE of his friends are waking this early. The earliest they wake is 6:30am and the latest is 8:30am. Oh well, just glad to have something in common with other mums.