Hello - I haven't posted on this board for ages, not since dd1. I've just got a quick question - when dod your lo's drop their daytime napping altogether. The reason I ask is dd2 has been up since 5am - it's now 12.10pm and I'm going to put her to bed but she is still full of fun and life and I know has probably got an hour or two awake time left.
dd1 would have been on her knees by now and I recall at this age was taking a whopping 3.5 hour nap and a solid 12.5 hours at night.....I'm starting to think Scarlett could get through the day with no sleep if she would wake at a reasonable hour.
I've had a quick flick through the FAQS as I seem to recall a thread where mums gave ages of when their dd's dropped their naps - apologies if it's still there or elsewhere - if so could someone redirect me please.
TIA - Louise