Hi everyone,
i Posted on the BLW thread, but it was suggested that I asked you guys for some advice - so here I am! My dd is 6 months exactly and we want to go down the BLW route with her. For the last couple of weeks she's been waking at night for food (never the same time so pretty sure it's hunger and before that she would go through from df to 6-7am.) At first I assumed it was a growth spurt, so following BW advice, tried pumping after feeds to give at the next feed, but simply cannot pump any milk at the moment (could always get at least 2-3 oz previously). I don't mind feeding her at night but just worried that I will start to create a night waking habit. So my question is, should I try and stop feeding her at night (in which case how on earth do I get more calories in her during the day?) or shall I just continue to feed her until she starts to get more food actually into her stomach rather than smeared all over her face?! As a slight aside, her growth rate has slowed (dropped below the line she was following) and not really that worried about it as I know growth charts aren't ideal for bf babies, but want to keep an eye on that. Thanks for any advice.