Thank you for the explanation, it makes a lot of sense! So, knock wood, it did seem to help today (of course it was not a school day, but he had a rough night sleep -- cold effects -- so he was more tired today). He woke at 6:34. Took him up for his nap, after some stories, at 11:48 (yes, digital clocks all over, lol). He cried and fought me on it some, but fell asleep after about 10 minutes and slept 1 hr 40 minutes!!! We couldn't believe it. He was still clingy after his nap, and a royal pill at day's end (still OT, I suspect, plus, after all he is 2 and we are experiencing some wants he gets stuck on but can't have), but overall, a much better day. Knock wood this breaks the pattern -- we'll keep trying the earlier naps!