Author Topic: Naptimes gone wonky!!! HELP  (Read 956 times)

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Offline dippy100

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Naptimes gone wonky!!! HELP
« on: September 11, 2008, 09:11:47 am »

Morning naptimes gone wonky......and afternoon naps are all over the place!

Ok, here we DD who is day off being 7 months is changing so much that i don't know what to do? i felt as though i really knew what she was doing before in regards to sleeping and would be quite confident in saying what time she'd go down and for how long. Not anymore!

Her naptimes in the morning were from 8.45-10.30 which as you can all imagine was great. Then she used to go back down for her 2nd nap at around 1.00-1.30pm and sleep until 2.30-45pm.
now its like this......sleep at 8.45am and awake at 9.20-30am. pu/pd has been really unsucessful with her since i introduced the easy thats not an option..she goes hysterical. when she wakes up she's really happy but then goes all whingy within a short time of being awake. She's a very active baby and keeping her stimulated is such hard work...i'm finding activity really hard at the moment. she' seem so frustrated with everything.

At around 12.30pm she's ready to sleep again. So... i put her down and she sleeps for   10-20 mins and is WIDE awake all over again!!! Plus to make things difficult when there are days where we need to go out she wont sleep in her pram either and sooo OT. i feel a slave to her naps at the moment. Can anybody please help.........I am finding her really difficult at the moment and don't know what to do with her???

Plus side.. she stills sleeps well at night an apart fromthe naps she is a very happy baby!

Thanks everybody

Her is my DD routine at this present time

E-  wake at 6:30 and 7:00am B/F (bottle)
A- 7:15-8:45am
S- 8:45am-9:20-30am
Y- ???? 10:30am cereal/maybe some mashed fruit too ( refuses to eat after her bottle..wants brekkie late morning..although still trying to tempt her to cereal etc. earlier in the morning).

E- 11:00am B/F
A- 11:15-1:00pm (again spits out lunch if i try and give it to her around 12:30, too tired)
S- 1:00pm-1:10-1.20 ( other days she sleeps for sporadic at the moment)
     savoury lunch eg veggies etc when she wakes???
Y- if she sleeps catch up on lovely house chores

E- 3:00pm B/F
A- 3:15pm-5:00pm
S- 5:00pm-5:30-45pm
    wake and yoghurt and fruit
    bath 6:30pm
    bottle 7.00pm
    bed 7:30pm ( although now taking at least 30 mins to go to sleep where as before it was 5-10

« Last Edit: September 11, 2008, 09:54:13 am by dippy100 »

Offline clarriebear

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Re: Naptimes gone wonky!!! HELP
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2008, 09:13:10 am »
Hi there, think you need to post your routine, she sounds so like my lo.

Offline clarriebear

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Re: Naptimes gone wonky!!! HELP
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2008, 12:05:18 pm »
Hey Dippy,

Know just what you mean, am sure the nap moderator will have a look, but I think 9.30 to 1 might be a bit long of an A time, have you thought about putting her down after 3 hrs at 12.30 (30 minute naps or less usually mean overtired) If she has a very short nap first thing, you might want to shorten this A time even further and consider putting her down at 12.

My LO is nearly 7 months and has between 2.5 and 3 hours A time, and on a good day she naps for an hour to two hours then. But not everyday!! She does do well at night.

I do, Awake 6.30, bottle at 7, breakfast 7.30/7.45,Bed at 9. (sleep 9 to 10/10.30)

Bottle at 11, solids 11.30 bed at 12 if she has woken early from first nap (30 mins nap) , or bed at 1 if she hasn't

Bottle at 3, she usually takes her catnap at 4.30 but sometimes we are on the school run, solids at 5,

Bath at 6, bottle at 6.30, bed at 6.45.

Anyway am sure someone with a better eye for routine will chip in soon!!


Offline brenda2

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Re: Naptimes gone wonky!!! HELP
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2008, 02:54:41 am »
 this is the time a lot of LOs drop the catnap, so this may be why things are wonky for you at the moment. 

i agree with pp...30 min naps mean OT and also agree 9:30 to 1 is way too long.

i would try stretching her first A time closer to 3 hours (stretch slowly - 10 min every 3 days ) and see if this helps that nap be any longer.  45 min naps usually mean UT while 30 min naps mean OT.  at 7 mo her A time should be about 2.5 to 3 hours.  then put her down for nap #2 about 3 hours after her first nap if it was a long one, but earlier than this if it was a short one. depending on what time she wakes from this 2nd nap you could go for a very short catnap of 10-20 min or just do early bedtime about 3 hours after wakes from 2nd nap if it was long.

at this age if i got 2 long naps we did only 2 naps and ealry bedtime but if one of the naps was  short we did the catnap and put to bed at regular time.  it's hard to transition for some bubs.

typical 2 nap schedule:
6:30 awake and BF
8:30 try cereal here
9:30-11:30 sleep
11:30 BF (or when wakes up)
12:30 solids
2:30-4:30 sleep
4:30 BF (or when wakes from nap)
7:15 BF
7:30 bed

Bfs are kind of off bc of the naps so fit them in best you can and you drop to 3 BFs a day at around 9 mo


Offline dippy100

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Re: Naptimes gone wonky!!! HELP
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2008, 06:36:24 am »
Hey guys,,, thanks for all the makes sense. You just need some direction from time to time! i will give it a go startin today and we'll let you know how we got on!
Thanks soo much

Offline dippy100

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Re: Naptimes gone wonky!!! HELP
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2008, 16:21:46 pm »
Will keep you all posted...thanks guys!

Offline brenda2

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Re: Naptimes gone wonky!!! HELP
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2008, 19:31:44 pm »
at least he plays in his cot... i know exactly what time my Lo wakes up because she screams blue murder until i go in to get her up, even after 12 solids hours of sleep!  driving me crazy at the moment.