Thanks for your response.
I was trying to get him on the 7 to 7 schedule. I know its not the time so much as the 4 hours schedule that's important but I thought I'd read somewhere that Tracy said to initially start at 7. Anyway, I'm not looking at the clock anymore, just making sure he eats 4 hourly and has a good nap in that time. He is doing so well - I think he is just so pleased he finally has parents who can recognise his signals and he can catch up on 3 months of sleep
The only problem I now have is that he is waking every morning at 3 and wont take anything but the breast to get him back down. I've tried shush/pat, PU/PD and giving him a little water but he literally burrown into my neck or chest and sucks like a vampire until he gets the breast. I've started shortening the time I have him on the breast so hope to eradicate that wake up that way,but would appreciate any other advice.
He has also been waking at 5:30 the past 2 mornings. This morning it was 5 but I managed to shush/pat him back for another half hour but then he was wide awake. He'll happily chat to himself for a while, so I left him until just before 6 then fed him. He went back down at 7:20 and has been sleeping since, with 1 10 minute wake in the middle.
I think we're getting there and am again so thrilled about discovering EASY. He is a different child - I thought we just ended up with a very touchy, serious little boy, but now he's been getting sleep, he's the most social, smiley, happy baby and I don't think he's actually "cried" in 3 days, just the usual hungry or tired moans.