Huge hugs to you. Kate has reflux too, and for months we went through terrible feeding issues with her. She really was such an angel baby, the only times she would cry was when she would jolt awake in pain, and also when feeding. It was so bad some days, honestly she would just scream and scream and scream anytime I tried to feed her even though she was clearly hungry. Just thinking back on it upsets me. Unlike your lo, though, she did not take a bottle.
What meds is your lo on? Kate initially was on Zantac which made things worse instead of better. She was then started on Zegerid, a PPI, and that has worked so much better. She is now almost 9 months old and I am proud to say we are still nursing and we will no doubt make it to at least one year. A few months ago I never believed it would happen. I was afraid for her, because she hated nursing so much, wasn't bottle feeding...I had visions of her being put on a feeding tube.
I second the skin to skin. I also wore Kate a lot in a sling and I am sure that contact helped so much. A mother's touch is so important and I believed it really helped us. It was nice to have her near me and not be screaming if nothing else.
When do you hear back from her doctors?
I really just want you to know that there are lots of Moms on here who can understand in some way how you feel. Talking to other moms who have been through it and have come through the other side has kept me sane, esp on bad days when I really felt I was losing my mind. Hopefully the right meds will make a difference.
Hang in there xx