Author Topic: Feeding strike now won't latch on  (Read 770 times)

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Offline leycourt

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Feeding strike now won't latch on
« on: September 11, 2008, 18:11:36 pm »
Short version - baby has bad reflux and suspected lactose intolerance amongst others (rashes when feeding). Due to baby being prem - supply established through pumping - never really been enough for LO - she had bad jaundice and we had to supplement. The aim being pump to increase supply and cut formula.
It's never happened - and the formula bad for rashes.
Her reflux got worse and she's on a lot of meds - so peadiatrican gave Nutramigen - hpyoallergenic formula. Everytime we give formula I pump.
However doctors have said she has now had 95-98% of benefit of breastmilk and encouraging me to give up. I don't want to.
But she had a total feeding strike earlier this week - due to awful pain response due to reflux (sandifers) - we are still waiting for peads to confirm if her meds can increase. Since then she will only feed thickened milk from a bottle - either ebm or formula.
I have only managed to get her to latch on for nightime feeds.
I fear this is the end but don't want it to be - I am sick of pumping - I am doing it 3-5 times a day and I don't have the time to carry on at this rate.
I want her to Bf at least 4 times a day - she feeds about 8.

What can I do?

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Re: Feeding strike now won't latch on
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2008, 05:04:55 am »
I hate to give you bad news but I had many of the same problems you are having - bad reflux, dysphagia, refusal to eat, etc.  We had to give DD thickened milk with SimplyThick.  I was not able to bf because of all the problems and pumped exclusively for 10 months.  If thickened milk is important than it makes bf impossible because there is no way to thicken.  The only idea I have is to try a nipple shield (which is a total hassle) but slows the flow so may work. 

Good luck

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Re: Feeding strike now won't latch on
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2008, 05:37:02 am »
There are some thickeners that reflux sufferers can use with bfing. You basically spoon it in before the bf. One of our members - Tamara - has experience with them but I'm afraid she found it pretty tricky. The reflux board may be able to tell you more.
A nipple shield could certainly slow the flow as could a change in positioning. Do have access to a lactation consultant or a breastfeeding advisor in real life?

I'm sure you are sick of pumping. Daft question but do you have an 'easy' pump? One you can just pop on and works quickly. It's although worth thinking about ways to minimize hassle by buying a second set of parts so you don't have to wash and sterilize constantly. Once a preemie has matured and has a robust health system you can 'wetbag' which means returning a pump to a ziploc and the fridge each time so you can use it during 12 hours without constantly washing. This is because of bm's antibacterial properties.

I'm afraid I strongly disagree with the statement re the benefits of breastfeeding (and the fact an adjusted 1 month old has received 90%+ of what is possible) and during my training as a breastfeeding counsellor I have read a lot of research. However I suspect that they are also looking to protect you as a mother from what they perceive as additional pressure and worry and hassle and that is understandable.

I would suggest you get in touch with an LC and give it a good shot. Also consider ways to make pumping more bearable (easier pump, pumping halter/bra for mobility). And maybe investigate bf friendly thickeners although it doesn't sound as though your doctors are particularly pro-breastfeeding.

Ideally meds will allow her to return to breastfeeding so I do hope it all works out for you. It's good she's feeding overnight. That will help with your supply and her feeding technique. During the day I would feed as much 'skin to skin' as possible and read some of the other suggestions in our nursing strike FAQ.

BIG HUG. Sounds as though you've had a tough few weeks.
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Re: Feeding strike now won't latch on
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2008, 05:52:48 am »
Huge hugs to you. Kate has reflux too, and for months we went through terrible feeding issues with her. She really was such an angel baby, the only times she would cry was when she would jolt awake in pain, and also when feeding. It was so bad some days, honestly she would just scream and scream and scream anytime I tried to feed her even though she was clearly hungry. Just thinking back on it upsets me. Unlike your lo, though, she did not take a bottle.

What meds is your lo on? Kate initially was on Zantac which made things worse instead of better. She was then started on Zegerid, a PPI, and that has worked so much better. She is now almost 9 months old and I am proud to say we are still nursing and we will no doubt make it to at least one year. A few months ago I never believed it would happen. I was afraid for her, because she hated nursing so much, wasn't bottle feeding...I had visions of her being put on a feeding tube.

I second the skin to skin. I also wore Kate a lot in a sling and I am sure that contact helped so much. A mother's touch is so important and I believed it really helped us. It was nice to have her near me and not be screaming if nothing else.

When do you hear back from her doctors?

I really just want you to know that there are lots of Moms on here who can understand in some way how you feel. Talking to other moms who have been through it and have come through the other side has kept me sane, esp on bad days when I really felt I was losing my mind. Hopefully the right meds will make a difference.

Hang in there xx