My LO is 11 months old and is napping amazing and sttn 12 hrs. Lately when i leave the room or even set him down he starts to cry like sobbing crying. Tonight I put him to bed as usual and he was fussing and then started crying and then it escalated so I went to see him because he never does this. I tried to sooth him in his crib but he just cried and screamed bloody blue murder, I am not exaggerating. So I picked him up and held him for a couple of min and put him down again, same thing. So I decided to bf because sometimes he just needs alittle more and he goes off to sleep. Not this time, he didn't want to bf, so i held him in my arms in my comfy chair and waited for him to be in a deep sleep and placed him in his crib.
I didn't know what else to do and he caught me sooooo off guard. How should i handle it tomorrow if it does happen again? (keeping my fingers crossed it won't) or if he wakes tonight???
I want my easy baby back!!!!