Well. where do I start? No one in our house has slept for 4 nights now...our 12 mo has some major separation anxiety issues. He only wants daddy as mummy is not good enough. When daddy is even partly out of sight he screams the place down and when my DH tries to have a shower or go to the loo, he screams down the place and walks around screaming and looking for him.
Now at night he cries and cries when we leave the room. We try to wait about 2-3 mins and we go in and comfort him, but as soon as we try to leave he starts screaming again. Last night was the worst...he dozed for half an hour and then screamed for half an hour for each hour from 7pm to 2am and then slept until 4am and then started the screaming again until 5:45 am where we just gave up and got him up for the day. We just don't know what to do any more and we are all very sleep deprived. He seems to have the staying power to just scream and scream and I'm not sure I can listen to it any more.
We are willing to try WI/Wo or gradual withdrawal but I need some idea of how they both work. When will this phase end? I am seriously at the end of my rope.