My 24 month old DD has never slept through the night. We've gone through a lot of stages with her. Went back and forth from having her in our bed, to using pu/pd to get her to sleep in her crib a few times. But wherever she sleeps, she has never slept through the night and she has several props. She drinks milk and massages my arm before naps and bedtime and when she wakes up in the middle of the night. She also uses a paci but this I think is fine and I'll deal with it later. She doesn't have any other lovies, her paci is like her lovie. I've tried to get her to use a lovie other then that but she just won't go for it. Also, I realize that my arm is probably like a lovie for her. Anyway, we have been back from a long vacation and have started her in morning daycare. This is new for her and is her first week there. She loves it. They don't giver her a nap so she gets home at 2 and is exhausted. She'll sleep from 1.5-2 hours.
Now, things get complicated because we just put her in a big girl bed. She was sleeping with me and dh but my dh couldn't take it anymore. We have only one crib and we put my 9 month old in there since my 2 yr old dd was with us. So now we had to put her in her big girl bed. I knew that starting that when she had just started daycare was not at all ideal but that's what happened.
As I said, she has never slept the night but now she gets out of her bed and comes to my room to wake me up. I realy can't take it anymore. And I have used pd successfully in the past but never to get her to sleep through the night and never when she was in her bed. How do I deal with this situation? Anyone have any ideas? I've read about wi/wo, never used it. How could I use that with my dd? Thanks in advance and sorry so long.