My son is 26 months old. He has been a great sleeper now for about a year and a half, sleeping 10-11 hrs at night and a 2-3 hr nap. In the last few weeks he has been waking up around 5:00-5:30 (normally gets up 6:30-7:00). I go in there and tell him to go back to sleep. Most times this works, but he will only sleep for another 1/2 hr or so. The other problem is his naps have gone to 40min-90min tops. For the last few nights I have tried putting him to bed around 7:15-7:30 (normally bedtime is 8:00), just to get caught up on some sleep. The first 2 nights he didn't go down right away, but the last 2 he did. This hasn't changed his morning or nap problem though (he naps around 12:00). He also wakes up screaming and crying, especially after his nap. I am assuming this is because he is so tired, as he clearly is. I've tried leaving him in there to see if he will go back to sleep and also going in there and telling him to go back to sleep. This makes him cry and scream more so much so that he will start hyperventilating. I don't have much time to do a walk in/walk out or lay with him for a few minutes to settle him down, as I also have a 2 month old. She has her own sleep issues, too, but that's a whole other story!! Does anyone have any advice on how to extend the nap again and crush the early morning wake-up?