Author Topic: 9wks old - what should I be doing?  (Read 752 times)

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9wks old - what should I be doing?
« on: September 23, 2008, 10:46:02 am »
I have a 9wk old and desperately need advice on nightimes! 

About 2wks ago my lo started sleeping from 11ish till 6/7 in the morning (of his own accord).  He'd normally be awake till that time either sitting in his chair or on his mat or having a cuddle/snooze.  In the last week however he's become very fretful in the evening as if he's tired.  Initially I tried putting him in his crib but he just screams the place down so I end up bringing him in2 the living room and letting him snooze on one of us.  Last night I decided this couldn't go on as I didn't want him to get in the habit of needing one of us to fall asleep, so put him in his crib (in our room) about 8pm left the room and he evenutally fell asleep (kept the grunting/groaning/winging up for around an hour but when I checked him he was asleep). 

This worked wonderfully until I tried to wake him for his 11 o'clock feed - we couldn't wake him at all!  He was totally sound asleep.  I even tried just putting the bottle in his mouth but he just wouldn't suck it and when he did he just spat the milk back out.  After much debating my partner and I decided just to go to bed and see how long our lo slept.  He started stirring about 3.30 but didn't waken.  By 4ish I was worried that if I didn't feed him soon it would impact on our daytime routine (which we've got down to a fine art 7,11,3,7,11)  and was worried that he hadn't had enough to eat as he'd only had 4 feeds, so I lifted and fed him (he woke when I lifted him).

I realise we should be grateful he is sleeping for 7ish hours however I really need him to do this after his 11 o'clock feed as my partner travels around the country for work and as he has to drive himself to these places an unbroken 7hrs sleep is a godsend to him!

Does anyone have any advice?  Shld my lo be sleeping through the night already?  How can I get him to take the 11 o'clock feed?  Am I putting him to bed too early?

I'm a first time mum so any advice would be greatly appreciated. x
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Re: 9wks old - what should I be doing?
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2008, 19:27:56 pm »

Most babies do have a natural bedtime of around 6/7pm so this might explain why your baby has started to be tired earlier in the evening.  Many parents then offer a 'dream feed' around 10/1030pm .. basically lifting baby in their sleep and feeding them.  At 9 weeks you will maybe have another NW after the DF and this would be really normal.

Information here on DF ing ...

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