He does this EW regardless of the naps the day before or how bad/good the night has been. ANy ideas?
So my question is, what do you do when he wakes so early? It could be that he is expecting something at that time every day. Do you feed him right away? Maybe someone has already mentioned this, so sorry if this is repeated advice.
Lately when my son wakes so early I have been camping out on his floor trying to catch a few ZZZ's while he walks around and plays with his toys, then when it seems like a decent hour to eat, like 6:30 or 7:00 we go have breakfast.
It sounds like an OT cycle to me, but with him being sick lately too, I'm not sure. When my son was in his OT cycle recently I fell into the early bedtime cycle, where he was going to bed by 6 every night, because he would not take a pm nap! and it was driving me crazy. That was the only way I could get him to have 11-12 hours of sleep because he was waking at the same time in the morning regardless of what I did. It has gotten a bit better because of the early bedtimes allowing him more sleep. But then my DS is sick this week too
it never ends.
I guess I'm not much help, but send ))))))HUGE HUGS(((((( your way! and hope that today is better than yesterday!