Author Topic: 16 months old - issues with bedtime and strange NWs  (Read 1044 times)

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Offline admitchell

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16 months old - issues with bedtime and strange NWs
« on: October 02, 2008, 13:21:58 pm »
My dd started sleeping like an angel 3 months ago after she fully transitioned to 1 nap. Yes, I know, seems very early but she started the transition when she was 8 months and we went through terrible 4 months of nap issues and awful NWs. Then her routine stabilized and it looks as follows:
08:00/08:30 - wake up
13:00 - 15:00 - nap
20:30 - bedtime

We put her for her nap at 1pm but since approx. 2 weeks we noticed that it takes even 30min before she falls asleep. She doesn't cry, just talks and plays. We tried to put her later but it still it took 15 to 30 min before she was finally asleep. Last week she started crying when we put her to bed in the evening. The routine is the same but the minute I lay her down in her cot she starts crying. It takes 15 to 30 min of WI/WO before she's asleep. With that she started crying, or rather screaming, when she wakes up during the night. She used to wake up once or twice but always put herself back to sleep. Now she starts crying and screaming. First days we thought she had a bad dream and cuddled her. Even 30 seconds were enough and she wanted to be back in her bed and would fall asleep instantly. But these cuddles now take longer and longer and after a week we know it is not bed dreams we are dealing here with. Last two, three days we also notice EWs.
Any idea what is going on? I thought maybe we need to shorten her nap during a day. Now, with all the time it takes her to fall asleep she has approx. 1.5hr. Or maybe it is too short and we should not wake her up at 15:00 but give her full 2hrs? What do you think?

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Re: 16 months old - issues with bedtime and strange NWs
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2008, 04:40:42 am »
I wouldn't wake her from her nap but allow a full 2 hours.  I'm wondering if teeth aren't to blame.  It may be those awful eye teeth that hurt like hell! I think my son got them somewhere in this age range.  You might try some meds and see if that helps at all.  (I feel like I've been a drug pusher the last few posts I've answered, but honestly teeth are a huge issue for early toddlers!  ;D).

I'm also wondering if bedtime isn't about 30 minutes too late.

But my best guess is the teeth are starting to bother her, which is what is making it hard to go down for nap.  In fact, it may be that she needs ehr nap to be a little EARLIER because teething is causing her to be OT!  That would also explain the difficulties at bedtime and the NWs/EWs.  with teething often comes some SA, which might explain why she wants the longer cuddles.

Try 1) Medicating naps and bedtime for a day or two, 2) moving nap earlier by 15 minutes, 3) moving bedtime earlier by 30 minutes.  I know that sounds crazy since you feel like she's undertired, but I really doubt that she's undertired so soon after moving to 1 nap.  It will probably take closer to 9-12 months before she's ready to stretch her A time more.  As for shortening the nap,  that will probably take closer to 1-2 years! Most toddlers stick to a 2 hour nap well into the 2s, and some well into the 3s.
Owen, 12/28/05 7 lb 2 oz

Enjoying the toddler years!

Offline admitchell

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Re: 16 months old - issues with bedtime and strange NWs
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2008, 06:26:20 am »
Thanks a lot! I'll try that. Teething was also on our mind. Last night was very good, still little cry though when going down. I'll let your know how we're doing.

Offline admitchell

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Re: 16 months old - issues with bedtime and strange NWs
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2008, 20:34:34 pm »
Bedtime continues to be a problem. Maya is in bed by 8pm but it can take even an hour before she falls asleep. She keeps crying. Most nights she would wake up with a little cry but settles back quickly after a short cuddle. She has been teething, or maybe still is. Because she doesn't get a good night sleep she gets very tired around her nap time and goes down with no issues at 12:45/13:00, sleeping usually 2 hrs now. Usual wake up time in the morning is 08:00. Interestingly we experienced two days without any crying at bedtime but it was when she was going to bed very late due to travelling, 9pm and 10pm. I wonder, maybe she is simply not tired enough....We are running out of ideas.....