Thanks girls
Well it's strange that before Wednesday he was going down for naps perfectly in his cot
I would kiss him - he'd turn over and that was that
I really think he still needs his nap - he sleeps for 3 hours if we leave him.
But at night for DH, there is NO problem at all - he goes straight to sleep and doesn't wake up although he's been waking at least an hour earlier than when he was in the cot
I put him in his grobag on Wednesday for his first nap in the BBB and he unzipped it (he's never done that before
) and got out of bed and came out of his room. The rest of the week he's just had a sheet as it's got really warm here again.
How strange though that we had no problems when we were in England in a BBB - at nap time or at bedtime
Maybe I'll try a longer A time BTW waking and nap. Before BBB we did -
wake 8.00 ish
nap 2.00 - 4.00
bed 9.00
Yesterday, he was awake at just before 7.00 and didn't go down for his nap until 2.45. DH left him until 6pm
and he went to bed at 9.30
We've kept him on English time since coming back from England (so 9.00 bedtime is really 7.00 etc and will probably stick to that until the clocks change)
What would you suggest girls? What about the crying? DH is here today for the nap so I'll see what happens. I just bet N goes down no problem for Daddy