Bear in mind, it also depends on your LO's metabolism and your milk supply (which is highest at night). Some bf'ing pairs, while perfectly able to get enough calories in 24 hours, are just not capable of getting enough calories during the day (we were not, especially as dd was SOOOO mobile and active).
If your LO is crying hard for 1 hour, I think that's likely true hunger. Until lo is over 1 year, milk needs to be the primary source of nutrition, solids are just not nutritious enough for their rate of growth.
So, for both OP and Toby's Mum, I'd say watch baby's cues (as you are doing). If baby will resettle without a feed, you can use the water method or cold turkey to drop that feed. Otherwise, don't worry about it, they will drop it when their tummies are big enough to get more calories in the day. My dd dropped hers at a little over a year. BW is about a flexible routine, and watching your baby's needs. Of course you don't want to starve or torture your baby just to try to make them do what they are "supposed" to be doing at a certain age.