I definitely wouldn't limit day sleep while your dd is sick - you're right that she needs the extra rest to help fight off the cold. I'd get 2 naps in any way you can til she's feeling better. In terms of whether to limit the am nap - I only suggested it because the EWs don't seem to be improving - but it's possible that the cold was a factor there. When she's better, since she seems to do best with her longest nap in the am and a shorter A time before bed, go back to the long am nap and pm catnap. Just keep pushing that morning A time out further - just like emmayorkshire is doing. If you don't see improvement with the EWs in a week, you may want to re-visit how you do the switch. Also, if you have trouble getting in the pm nap, you can always do an early bedtime. Just to note, when we did this approach with the switch, her pm nap was late - often not til 4:30 and I'd wake her at 5, she'd still go to bed by 7:30. So don't be afraid to do a late pm nap. I found if I tried before 4, there was no way she'd take it, and we'd do early bedtime.
I hope she's feeling better soon!!!
emmayorkshire - your plan sounds like a good one! I'm wondering if the 5:30 EW is just a waking because of the early bedtime? That's 11 hrs of sleep, which is fairly typical at this age. If you can manage to push out that am nap and get a pm catnap in, you can move bedtime a bit later and I suspect he'll wake later in the am as well. Keeping track of daytime sleep is really important - that way you can see how much sleep he needs to have a good day and a good night. You are well on your way!!!