Author Topic: Anyone with experience of BLW and Intolerances?  (Read 2140 times)

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Offline Edesanja

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Anyone with experience of BLW and Intolerances?
« on: October 23, 2008, 00:20:50 am »
I've only just read about BLW. Never heard of it before! I have some questions as it sounds very sensible and even more so since we are about to go on a trip to Asia and I was wondering how we were going to do the whole mashed up food thing. My daughter is 7 months old and intolerant to dairy and eggs. It also appears that some foods we have tried so far don't entirely agree with her. This is what we've done so far:

Kumara (sweet potato)
Butternut pumpkin

Carrots started her reflux again and gave her blistering nappy rash. We stopped that in a hurry! I think apples do the same (just eliminating those from today). She eats only a very small amount though she does seem to enjoy it until she's had enough (about 5 baby spoonfulls).

I have given her sticks of pear before and I know I could roast the vegetables in sticks, but is fruit and veggies all we do for now? I think I'd rather just stick to those for a bit longer as adding more ingredients makes it harder if she has a reaction to something. At what stage do I introduce other things?

I make everything myself so being on the road will be tricky!
Jenny - mama to

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Re: Anyone with experience of BLW and Intolerances?
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2008, 00:26:40 am »

Fruits and Vegetables is all she needs at this age.  Some are still just getting rice cereal at this age.  I know here in the US, they don't recommend meats and other things until 9 months. 

I would stick with what you are giving her, espcially since you are going to be traveling. 

Really until 1 year of age, solids are all about practice anyhow and not so much nutrition.

Wendy -

Zach - 3 1/2 yrs old. My sweet, loving, gentle boy that loves playing in the dirt!

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Offline Edesanja

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Re: Anyone with experience of BLW and Intolerances?
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2008, 23:26:21 pm »
So we are still struggling with this a bit. DD is now 8.5 months. I'm finding it is such a slow and frustrating process wanting for a time when she's drinking ok, she doesn't have major nappy rash etc so that I can tell whether a new food affects her or not. Grrrr!!!!
So far she eats:

kumara (sweet potato)
baby rice
sweet corn

I've been giving her lots of vegetable sticks and have made little pancakes from just mixing mashed vegetables with some flour and water but with such few foods I do struggle with variety! All other things I have thought of or have seen recipes for contain ingredients that we haven't tested yet!

Also, making the little pancakes is a new addition. It's the first time she's had flour. How do I watch for signs of gluten intolerance? I could eat gluten fine when bf her so does that demonstrate that she can tolerate gluten fine and I don't need to worry?

btw I see in many posts people mentioning about milk being main source of nutrition until age 1. I've never read anything about that here in NZ and asked about it last time she was checked by Plunket nurse (UK equivalent of HV). Here they recommend that you switch to having food before milk at 8-9 months and from then food should start to take over. In reality, DD is very little (under 10th percentile) and we've had major issues with weight and getting her to drink so I am happy to keep milk her main source of nutrition until 1 anyway.

Apart from the gluten question this is mainly a vent but if anyone has any ideas of other things to make, please let me know!
Jenny - mama to

Offline Edesanja

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Re: Anyone with experience of BLW and Intolerances?
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2008, 06:19:02 am »
Bumping up
Jenny - mama to

Offline Spectra

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Re: Anyone with experience of BLW and Intolerances?
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2008, 15:47:54 pm »
Hi jennyo, I am a member of this website.  You can click off the foods that your child is allergic too and it will pull up a ton of recipes for many items, cookies, teething biscuits, candies, breads, etc.  Rice flour is great if your child can handle it.  I even made my son's birthday cake from rice flour.  Here is the website if you want to look around:
<img src="" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers" />
<img src="" alt="Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker" border="0"  />

Offline Mydreamcametrue

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Re: Anyone with experience of BLW and Intolerances?
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2008, 03:26:59 am »
Hi there.  So what exact problems are you having from her?  Does she have any rashes, constipation, diaherra, extreme fussiness, screaming spells, not sleeping??

Just want to get a better idea of what is going on with her. 

I would also follow what your doctor's recommendations are about milk.  In the US, we start solids at 6 months, but the main source of nutrition is formula/breastmilk until age 1, then solids take over and should come first. 

That website that Spectra recommended is excellent.  I am a member as well.  There is a $25.00 annual fee, but so well worth is when dealing with allergies.

Wendy -

Zach - 3 1/2 yrs old. My sweet, loving, gentle boy that loves playing in the dirt!

Tyler - 17 months.  My very very spirited little boy.  Can't turn your back for a minute.  He is doing the cutest things now!  Loves to eat and climb!

Offline Edesanja

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Re: Anyone with experience of BLW and Intolerances?
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2008, 09:16:50 am »
Thanks for the info about the kids with food allergies website. Very helpful.

My GP isn't too helpful with her drinking. She has dropped below 3 percentile though at the moment so has told us to get as much milk into her as we can. We have seen a private paediatrician in the past but aren't able to go back. We have been referred to a public paediatrician and should get an appointment early in the New Year. Will talk to them about milk intake then.

Hi there.  So what exact problems are you having from her?  Does she have any rashes, constipation, diaherra, extreme fussiness, screaming spells, not sleeping??

She sleeps fine, and not generally fussy at all. She doesn't scream. She doesn't get rashes, has never been constipated but has had two bouts of gastro vomiting-diarrhoea in the past month. Her stools are quite loose normally with occasionally a firmer one. She has a dirty nappy about 75% of the time when we change her.

Drinking has always been a problem. She slept through the night from early on because I think she would just rather not have to drink. She can go for days with only drinking only small amounts and these episodes happen relatively frequently - every few weeks or so and I can't find a correlation for why. Drinking less doesn't seem to bother her - we just have to force her to drink.

The best period we had was when I eliminated dairy, eggs and peanuts from my diet from 3.5 months until we started solids at 6 months. She drank pretty well during this time. Since solids we have had more often. I wasn't always sure if I had made a mistake with my diet, if she was feeding more efficiently than I though etc..... but since she has been fully formula fed (Neocate - hyperallergenic formula) and still having these episodes occasionally, makes me think it is related to the solids she's eating. I have always kept a food diary though and I don't see any pattern.

Interestingly, we had one of these drinking low volume times last week for 7 days. She has been drinking really well (better than ever before) for the past 3 days.

She has had some kind of nappy rash for most of the time she has been on solids - it comes and goes and apart from carrots and apples which I'm pretty sure caused the blisters she got, I haven't been able to relate the blisters she gets to any other food (I have a food diary).

She still had a bit of a nappy rash yesterday from earlier on in the week but it seemed to be healing quite well. This morning there were 3 huge, bleeding blisters. I just don't get it. I'd at least expect that the low drinking and blisters might coincide.

It has been suggested to me in the past few days that it could be a problem with salicylates. I am starting to look into that. SIGH.

Sorry for the novel!
Jenny - mama to