{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}} ladies!!! Teething, really, it's a nightmare for them! (and for us by extension!). I too find the best way to extend Abby is to get her out of the house!!! She's distracted, and the extra activity really tuckers her out to sleep (and in a good way, not just in an OT way if that makes any sense). We too get EWs from teething on occasion - I still try to keep to her regular routine (even though that means a longer A time in the am).
time change - I've been extending her bedtime/naptime by 15 min a day this week, so Sat night I'll put her to bed 1 hr later in the hopes that she'll still sleep her 11.5 hrs and be up at her "regular" time. Today, went down for a nap 15 min later and so far is doing fine.....
w2s - I've not used it on Abby since she was little, but yes, it does work, it got Abby over the 45 min nap hump. It is designed to deal with habitual waking, so I'm not sure it's what you're looking for here - it won't help if he's waking early because of pain, and I'm not sure it will help with the time change - once he's slept his 11/11.5 hrs, he's done. That's why most moms do the gradual extension of bedtime or just bite the bullet and have a crazy EW on Sunday and just get them back on their regular routine after that. It's not too late to extend a bit - you've got 3 nights - if you push him 15 - 20 min each day, you should be fine.