Author Topic: Do I need to worry? (Sorry long)  (Read 1246 times)

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Offline Goldmum

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Do I need to worry? (Sorry long)
« on: October 26, 2008, 22:00:37 pm »
My DS is 9 months and is a big boy, around 24lbs. He loves solid food, but his interest in milk is seriously waning. He struggles to finish 3 6oz bottles a day although this is definitely being made worse by teething and a bad cold/ear infection at the moment. I try to pack in as much milk, cheese and yogurt into his meals as I can, but he's a very independent eater so isn't that bothered about food that comes on a spoon - so yogurts and cereal are difficult to feed him even though they would be a great way to boost his milk intake. I've taken some advice from the health visitor and she doesn't seem too worried and just advised offering him a yogurt mid-afternoon to up his intake.
Our daily routine for food/milk looks like this:
Wake around 7-7.30am - offer bottle 6oz (usually takes around 3oz)
Breakfast 8am - sometimes cereal, but more often that not fruit and toast
Bottle at around 11 - usually takes 5-6oz
Lunch 12.30pm - usually veg/bread/cheese
Afternoon snack at around 3-3.30pm - try to get him to have a 4oz yogurt with mixed success
Supper at 5-5.30pm - meat/fish, veg, pasta followed by fruit, maybe a custard or rice pudding (may take a bit off the spoon but not too much)
Bottle at bedtime around 6.30-7pm (usually takes around 4oz)
I just don't know how to up his milk intake - he just won't take any more even if I cut back the solids I offer. Do I really need to worry though? He eats a very varied and balanced solids diet, including meat/fish, cheese, loads of fruit and veg and wholemeal grains. He even eats roast beef which my 3 YO says is too chewy!! If he's getting such a varied diet from solids, does milk matter so much? Need some reassurance or suggestions!!

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: Do I need to worry? (Sorry long)
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2008, 22:08:58 pm »
Have you tried using milk in disguise? my sister gave me the idea to put powdered milk in pasta sauce, soup etc.. when my 2 year old went off milk for awhile. Also tried chocolate milk, but she hates it (if I didn't give birth to her I'd never believe she was mine - no chocolate???) She eventually started drinking it again, but if she hadn't I was considering calcium supplements for kids that are chewy - that's what I was worried she was missing from her diet.  Good luck!!!


Offline Lex444

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Re: Do I need to worry? (Sorry long)
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2008, 11:42:05 am »
Hmmm, is he thriving and happy and hitting all his milestones?

Then I wouldn't worry too much, just keep offering the milk.

He sounds like he's getting a great diet, BTW. If you're truly worried, you can cut back on his solids even more - but you've said you tried this and it doesn't work.

Just so you know, plenty of babies start to lose interest in milk at this time because they're fascinated by solids, and also, their diet starts to shift towards solids over milk around this time. He'll probably show interest again soon enough if you keep offering the milk and add dairy to everything you can. What about cream cheese on his bread and cheese all over his pasta?

And think about it this way, as I have only ever breastfed, I have no idea how much milk my eight-month-old son gets in four breastfeeds a day. For all I know, it's 100 mls. It could be 18 ounces as well. I truly have no idea how much he's ever got - I've only pumped to reduce engorgement - but I can see he's healthy and thriving.

By the way Masyn and Spencer, that avatar is just TOO BEAUTIFUL! Your daughter is killer-cute.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2008, 11:46:59 am by Lex444 »

Offline MasynSpencerElliotte

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Re: Do I need to worry? (Sorry long)
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2008, 16:18:26 pm »
Thank you, Lex444....the one and only good picture my dh has ever taken!

Offline Goldmum

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Re: Do I need to worry? (Sorry long)
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2008, 19:10:05 pm »
Thanks for the advice. I do put cheese on pretty much everything I can or just give a piece of cheese to munch while I make his main meal. He's doing really well, crawling and cruising the furniture so I know deep down I don't really have to worry...but I still do. That's just being a mum I guess  ;)

Offline Lex444

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Re: Do I need to worry? (Sorry long)
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2008, 08:39:42 am »
Oh yes, I completely understand. I drive my mother, a doc, crazy by asking, "is this OK? Is he alright? Is he eating enough solids? Enough milk? He still wakes once at night, what am I doing wrong?"

She's like, "um, daughter. Your son is thriving. THRIVING. So just relax".

So please don't think I'm relaxed, myself.  :P  I'm just passing on good advice I never manage to take!

Offline kateboundy

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Re: Do I need to worry? (Sorry long)
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2008, 11:34:07 am »
My nearly 8 month old is exactly the same - I promise.  Milk is SUCh a fight at the moment... she is a monkey and just loves her food!  I am even keeping up a dream feed at the moment at 11, which I was going to drop 3 weeks ago but she has had a cold and I feel I need to keep her fluids up!  But I am sure the 4oz's I am giving her makes no difference.

Sounds like you are doing the right thing and SO many Mum's I know say they are having this problem.  I am just happy that she loves her food!  I know I would be more worried if she won't eat anything and only wanted her milk.

Take care

Offline Goldmum

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Re: Do I need to worry? (Sorry long)
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2008, 19:18:11 pm »
It is good to know we're not alone  ;D You're so right too - it either seems to be babies who love their solid food (my DS) or milk monsters (my DD) and not much in between. I stressed so much the first time around with my DD's milk and foods, I am determined not to go down the same route this time...but it's just so hard not to worry!