My DS is 9 months and is a big boy, around 24lbs. He loves solid food, but his interest in milk is seriously waning. He struggles to finish 3 6oz bottles a day although this is definitely being made worse by teething and a bad cold/ear infection at the moment. I try to pack in as much milk, cheese and yogurt into his meals as I can, but he's a very independent eater so isn't that bothered about food that comes on a spoon - so yogurts and cereal are difficult to feed him even though they would be a great way to boost his milk intake. I've taken some advice from the health visitor and she doesn't seem too worried and just advised offering him a yogurt mid-afternoon to up his intake.
Our daily routine for food/milk looks like this:
Wake around 7-7.30am - offer bottle 6oz (usually takes around 3oz)
Breakfast 8am - sometimes cereal, but more often that not fruit and toast
Bottle at around 11 - usually takes 5-6oz
Lunch 12.30pm - usually veg/bread/cheese
Afternoon snack at around 3-3.30pm - try to get him to have a 4oz yogurt with mixed success
Supper at 5-5.30pm - meat/fish, veg, pasta followed by fruit, maybe a custard or rice pudding (may take a bit off the spoon but not too much)
Bottle at bedtime around 6.30-7pm (usually takes around 4oz)
I just don't know how to up his milk intake - he just won't take any more even if I cut back the solids I offer. Do I really need to worry though? He eats a very varied and balanced solids diet, including meat/fish, cheese, loads of fruit and veg and wholemeal grains. He even eats roast beef which my 3 YO says is too chewy!! If he's getting such a varied diet from solids, does milk matter so much? Need some reassurance or suggestions!!