My boy is 8.5 months old and for the last 3 weeks i have dropped the dreamfeed so am giving him 4 feeds a day plus 3 small meals a day. However over the last week it is a real struggle to get him to take any milk at his 11am and 3pm feeds. He will latch on for a couple of minutes (if that) then come off, when i try and put him back on he 'fights' me. I have tried swapping sides but it doesnt make any difference.
He can also be like this at his 7 pm feed (where it is quiet with minimal distraction) - although if i keep on going he will latch on for a couple of minutes more. I am not usre what is going on here - is it time to move to 3 bf a day bc i am not sure he is hungry at 11 or 3?
Hopefully one of you could give me a bit of advice - this battle is making my nips sore too cos i am just happy when he goes on and dont want to take him off if the latch isnt right first time!
Thank you