Author Topic: Nap strike?  (Read 918 times)

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Offline caseyb

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Nap strike?
« on: October 29, 2008, 15:18:07 pm »
Sorry in advance for the long post!    :)

I've read a few of the posts on here about my lo refusing her morning nap but I am still not sure what to do.  We started very late on EASY, 10.5 mos, and have had tremendous success.  No more night wakings, two GREAT naps and easy bedtimes.  I'm not sure where I've gotten off track, but we're back to night wakings and refusal of naps (which I'm sure is the cause of the nw).  My lo just turned a year old and is now refusing to take a morning nap.  I know that she was extremely OT before we started EASY.  Her morning nap was 30 minutes or less and she would wake every 30 minutes for her afternoon nap.  The nw's were KILLING us.  My wits end came with the every hour on the hour nw's. 

Here's our typical day:

6:30 - nurse/up for the day
7:00 - 8:15 activity
8:15 - 9:00 breakfast/diaper change/story time
9:00 - 10:15 naptime (sleeps from 9:30ish - 10:15)
10:15 - 11:30 activity
11:30 - 11:45 snack
11:45 - 1:15 activity/diaper change
1:15 - 1:45 snack/story time
1:45 - 4:00 naptime (sleeps from 2:30 to 4)
4:00 snack
4:15 - 5:45 activity
5:45 - dinner/bath/story time
6:45 - bedtime (asleep around 7:15)

Since we started, her morning nap is usually around 45 minutes (sometimes a little shorter) and her afternoon nap is an hour and a half.  She's now completely refusing her morning nap when I put her down at 9 (her "scheduled" naptime was down at 9, asleep by 9:30 and awake at 10:15).  She, of course, is ready for her nap when it's time to get up at 10:15.  I've been getting her up and not letting her sleep as this starts to cut into her afternoon nap, which is also becoming a problem.  I usually put her down at 2 and she sleeps from 2:30 to 4:00 most days.  The last couple of days, she's started waking AGAIN after 30 minutes.  By the time I get to her she's fully awake and it takes about 20 minutes to get her to sleep.  So, I've been letting her sleep just a few minutes past 4 and then waking her unless she's already awake (which has happened several times also). 

By the time bedtime rolls around, she's completely OT and takes FOREVER to fall asleep and then tosses and turns.  The last 4 nights, we've been up sometime between 3:30 and 4 and she's not going back to sleep.  Plus, she's not making up this lost sleep time either. 

A couple of additional points as well.  I put her in bed and let her wind herself down.  When she starts crying (not mantra crying) I go in and pat her to sleep (which is another issue on it's own as she doesn't fall asleep by herself).  If I stand in there with her and try to put her to sleep, she just wants to play and do tricks for me.  She's also just learning how to walk (a few step here and there).  Last, she's had a little cold for about a week or so.  Do you think any of these are causing problems?

So, do I eliminate the morning nap altogether even though she will still take it some days?  Do I move it later?  Do I let her sleep even though it's not her scheduled time?  What have I done wrong?  I need help!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you SO much!

« Last Edit: October 29, 2008, 15:23:28 pm by caseyb »


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Re: Nap strike?
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2008, 14:49:38 pm »
She is definitely started the 2-1 nap transition. I've never experienced it myself yet, but from reading about it on here the key is to shorten one nap and lengthen the other. It's your choice which nap you would like to have longer and which nap shorter. I think the problem with her resistance to the AM nap is she's not tired enough when you put her down. So she's UT to begin with but then because she doesn't take that nap she gets OT. So, she still needs both to get her through the day, you just have to juggle them around a little bit. Maybe try this:

6:30 - wake up
10:00/10:15 - first nap, let her sleep as long as she would like
3:30 - second nap, wake after 30m
6:45 - bedtime


Offline deckchariot

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Re: Nap strike?
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2008, 18:54:45 pm »
I'm with Robin - sounds like the 2 to 1 switch to me.  Here are some helpful links:

I'm also going to move this on over to Toddler Sleep (feel free to keep on posting too Robin) where we like to keep the over 1 year old questions.  There are lots of moms posting there now about the switch, so you're in good company!
