I apologise in advance for anyone who has previously tried to help me with this problem but Im still struggling and nothing has changed since lo was 4months old!! He is now 1. The problem is ew's, very ew infact the 4.30am mark - ick! He has been a ew like I say since about 4 months and nothing I mean NOTHING gets this monkey to sleep later. Ive tried tweaking nap times, A times, bed times with no success
A month or so back he was waking more the 5/5.30am mark and I thought finally we're getting somewhere, but he slipped back to the 4.30am and with the clock change I had no chance
When he wakes he mostly just babbles to himself so we leave him be until nearer 6am which we find a more 'acceptable' time to rise. But he does often start wake whiney making a alarm type noise 'aaaah aaaaah' which increases in volume. I have tried going in when he first starts and giving him a bottle which results in one of two things...1) He poops and carrys on with noise OR 2) goes to doing same noise but with quiet periods inbetween. He never goes back to sleep anyway. My presence in the room just makes him more alert which is why we try to leave him if he is not distressed. He is far more likely to go back to sleep on his own than if I was there patting or sshhing etc. Ill post his current routine for you...
4-5am - wakes
6am - milk 7-8oz
7am - breakfast cereal
8-9am (depending on wake time) - nap usually 1-2hrs but closer to 1 these days
11am - snack
12-12.30 - lunch sandwich/fruit/cheese etc
1-2pm (depending on last wake time) - nap very hit and miss these days
3-4pm light snack
5pm - Dinner
5.30/6pm - Bath routine, milk 7-8oz
6-7pm - bed sleep
Obviously these times vary slightly depending on wake times or if he has had a second nap or not. Im aware his naps are starting to go wonky which I think is the start of 2-1 nap switch. From what Ive read its best to keep him on 2 naps as long as possible which is what Im trying to do. Ive tried lengthing the first A time which resluted in an ot baby who didnt take a 1st nap at all or a very short one. Ive tried phasing back his bedtime bit by bit which is a struggle but he still wakes the same time regardless. He was taking a 7pm bedtime for a few weeks after me trying to push it back but there was no difference in his wake up time. He seems to be able to handle 4-4.5hrs A time but anymore and he really suffers with ot then the day is a nightmare for us. Any ideas/suggestions??