I am totally fearing DST this weekend as my son is in an OT cycle. Sunday I made the mistake of going out before his nap to a pumpkin patch with friends (silly me for wanting to get out!) and expecting him to sleep in the car for his nap which caused a 40 min nap thus the beginning of an OT cycle. I was planning on moving his routine out tonight and tomorrow night but with him being OT we are now going to bed at 6:30 instead of 7:30. How do I do it so he is not even more OT when the clocks go back?
Here is his "usual" routine (and I use usual lightly as he is super inconsistent!)
7am wake
12:30-2 nap (has always preferred longer nights much to my chagrin)
7:15/30 bed (usually sleeps only 11.5)
The last few days have gone like this due to OT
6:30 wake
12:30 nap (at daycare so can't change) yesterday 45 mins the day before 1 hour 15
6:30/45 bedtime (1 NW each night since Sunday due to OT)