Author Topic: Sippy Cup Issues  (Read 878 times)

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Sippy Cup Issues
« on: November 03, 2008, 14:40:09 pm »
My dd is 11 months old.  She drinks from a bottle or a sippy. It has come to a point where we need to be all sippy all the time. I know this because when she has a bottle of formula, instead of drinking it, she now turns it upside down so she can watch the formula come out the nipple and play in the puddles it makes on the highchair.  ::)  She does really well with sippies. She'll drink water, formula or juice out of one. The problem with the sippy is she only drinks about half her formula. With a bottle she'll guzzle the whole thing.  I've tried giving the sippy back to her in the middle of her meal or at the end but she just throws it off the highchair.  I'm a little frustrated as I want her to get her full amount of formula but also because the stuff isn't cheap!   :-\

If anyone has any advice I'd appreciate it,
Kristen :)

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Re: Sippy Cup Issues
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2008, 14:54:00 pm »
same story here....ds drinks water, juice, yogurt from sippy but formula has to be from a bottle.
When I noticed he didnt drink formula from sippy, I starting using a bottle for milk again.
A lot of ladies here still give their LOs milk in a bottle well after the dont be hard on yourself

As you become more clear about who you really are, you'll be better able to decide what is best for you - the first time around


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Re: Sippy Cup Issues
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2008, 15:08:11 pm »
Could you just offer half in the sippy until she ask for more?  DS was/still like this.  I only fill his straw sippy half with milk.  Sometimes he would finish it and ask for more.