We do 2 to 3 naps a day.
In the morning approx 9:30 10:00 he'll go until 11:30 or so.
HE goes on my boob for a bit when he wakes, he plays he has lunch, he plays, then he goes down at about 3 3:30 for an hour or more.
HE sometimes takes a nap at about 7pm and then I start to put him down at 9pm.
Thats about as tight as the routine gets as am exhausted from the nights. Like I said night time he is a bit frantic.When I put him down for nap I had been swaddling him and doing shush pat. HE is often frantic at nap he is just so overtired that I wrap him up tight and he dozes off eventually. I have been moderately succesful with that (our naps really only got this strustured about 6 weeks ago). At night when I see the signs I get him on my boob for the last feed and I talk with him to keep him awake. I usually hug him for a while after that and gently place him in the crib. He looks at me or his teddy bears on the bumper and he will fall asleep no problem its keeping him asleep. He'll get up at 11 and then 2 and then 330 and then 4 and then 5 and then 6 and then he'll finally sleep from 6 til I get him up which of course I must because I got to get the guys off to school. I can always get him back to sleep by standing at the crib and patting him but at 2, 3, 4 its exhausting. If I bring him in my bed he kicks and fidgets and throws himself around so he clearly does not want to be in my bed, but I am so tired of going to him every hour. Like I said I give up, but give up on what. NOt sleeping. WHen I put him in the crib its no big deal he'll turn around I'll pat him he's out heavy breathing and all, but it doesnt take. ANy suggestions